Metallica - History - English
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uppladdat: 2002-02-01
uppladdat: 2002-02-01
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In the year 1981 the drummer Lars Ulrich (from Denmark) gave his friend, the singer and guitarplayer James Hetfield an offer that he couldn´t refuse: it was a song Lars had wrote and he wanted to start a band with him and so they did.
The first demo they recorded involved only Lars and James. Lars played the drums and James played two guitars, the bass and sang.
And after the recording Lars´ roommate Ron McGovney took the bass and another friend Dave Mustaine the second guitar.
Ron wasn´t really interrested in the music, so he left the band and the new bass player Cliff Burton started.
All of them went to New York in a stolen U-Haul car for recording a disc.
Dave Mustaine made alot of problems so they kicked him out and replaced him with Kirk Hammett who came from Los Angeles to New York in one day at the 1st of April 1983.
They recorded their first album: "Kill ´em All" and released it in the end of ´83.
Lars Ulrich who was Dane, knew a good studio in Denmark and at that place they recorded their second album "Ride the Lightning" in fall of ´84.
In ´85 they recorded "Master of puppets" and released it in the beginning of ´86 and booked a tour with the "metal God" Ozzy Osbourne.
In ´86 under the tour in Sweden something went VERY wrong somewhere between Stockholm and Lund and the tourbus crashed and killed Cliff Burton...
But that didn´t stop the band because in ´88 they recorded "...And Justice for All..." with the new bassplayer Jason Newsted and that album reached the 6th place in the US toplist!
In ´91 they released "Black Album" and that album sold 15 million ex in one week over the world.
They went on a crazy tour in 3 years!!!
They waited until ´96 before they released "Load" and the year after that "Reload" came.
Year 1991 they recorded "S & M" with the symphony choir of San Fransisco.
Early 2001 Jason Newsted left the band because of personal things....
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Inactive member 2005-01-24
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Inactive member [2002-02-01] Metallica - History - EnglishMimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-15]
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