Silence Of The Lambs by Thomas Harris
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uppladdat: 2002-04-14
uppladdat: 2002-04-14
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Clarice is a very headstrong young woman that is determined to make it in the FBI. She studies hard and is in the top five of her class. Her ambition to do more with her life then her father who was a security guard pushes her in her quest to become an agent for the FBI. One of her more distinctive attributes is that she can´t take no for an answer.
There have been a series of killing involving young women in the last couple of month. The killer takes pieces of skin from his victims and is there for nicknamed "Buffalo Bill". To get more background information on who the killer is. Jack Crawford the head of behavior science wants Clarice to go interrogate Hannibal Lecter the most renowned sociopath in the world. Lecter who is a former psychologist see her coming from a mile away and is at first reluctant to talk to her. But he will provide information about the killer for personal information about her, something he calls "Quid pro quo" you tell me, I tell you. She agrees to this and he gives her information of where she can find clues to who Buffalo Bill is. Then a senator’s daughter becomes one of the victims and this intensifies the chase. The senator uses her influence to hurry the investigation on. One of the clues that Lecter gave starling leads her back to the first victim in Columbus, Cleveland.
How it unravels you will have to read for your self, but I can say this. The book is very interesting and well written. Thomas Harris is an exceptionally good author that keeps you glued to the pages as it unfolds. His writing almost make you feel like you know the characters personally. Lecters creepynes seem so real that you can become afraid to put out the light if you get scared easy. You can see that he has done his research and knows what he is talking about. It can´t be easy to portray a sociopath like he has done in Lecter. I got to thinking, how did he do the research? Where did he go for the information? What motivated him to write about something this awful? I think that only the author can answer these questions. I can only guess his methods and motivation. He might have been driven by a curiosity for the mentally insane and then decided to write a book on it. This how ever turned out to become a three book series that centers on one person Lecter. This monster / cannibal that torments his victims and the authorities with his coolness that would make boiling water freeze. I can honestly say that I would never want to meet him in real life. Starling is also portrayed in a fabulous way with her sharp eyes that see things that a normal person would overlook. Her feelings about her father that she has difficulty dealing with.
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Inactive member [2002-04-14] Silence Of The Lambs by Thomas HarrisMimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-12-13]
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