The Olympic bribery scandal

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uppladdat: 2000-07-05
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The Olympic bribery scandal

In the latest months, ever sense Marc Hoddler the Vice president of IOC exposed the bribery scandal. Olympic association has bin shaken by the fact that IOC-delegates have bin selling votes to the Candidate Cities in many years, and a lot of people now demanding Juan Antonio Samaranch’s to retire.
IOC has now decided to investigate all the candidate cities from the middle of the 80s to today. But they have begun by concentrate on Salt Lake City.

The scandal of Salt Lake City is investigated by five different associations:

· The Salt Lake Olympic Committee
· The United States Olympic Committee, chaired by George Mitchel
· The United States of America’s Justice Department
· The United States of America’s House of Representatives
· The International Olympic Committee

All the associations are investigating if Salt Lake City have broken any laws in their particular areas. IOC has already suspended six IOC-delegates:

· Augustin Arroyo
· Jean-Claude Ganga,
· Zein El Abdin Abdel Gadir
· Lamine Keita
· Charles Mukora
· Sergio Santander

And warned four:

· Kim Un-Yong
· Anton Geesink
· Vitalij Smirnov
· Louis Guirandou

Three have also left voluntary:

· Pirjo Häggman
· Bashir Moham ed Attarabulsi,
· David Sibandze

The SLOC investigation has recently pointed out the two leaders of the SLOC Tom Welch and Dave Johnson and the financial manager Craig Peterson to be the guilty ones in the corruption inside SLOC.

Here are some of the important notes in the Bribery scandal history:

· The Olympic games had gone with loss for many years, and only two cities had candidated for the games in ‘84. Los Angeles won the battle and netted $220 million in profit. Suddenly a lot of cities wanted to get the games.

· In ‘88 the games went to Alberville. And the leaders of the AOC said that they had given the IOC-delegates small gifts like Savoyard knives and pens, then it had become much easier to convince the delegates that Alberville was the best option.

· One of the cities that candidated for the games in ’92 was Barcelona. Barcelona is Juan Antonio Samaranch’s (The leader of the IOC) hometown. Barcelona won the games, and there was nothing the other cities could do about it. If Samaranch wanted one thing most of the delegates agreed.

· When Alberville exposed how they won the games in ’88, and Lillehammer again won the ’94 games with a little help from small gifts, IOC decided to put a gift limit on $150 to prevent that Cities won the games because of that.

· But Nagano, which won the games in ’98 found out a different way to get votes and Samaranch’s support. With help from one of the richest man in the world Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, NOC built a $20 million hall of fame for Samaranch and IOC. With that and some more bridges they had Samaranch’s and the rest of IOCs’ support, and could easily win the games.

IOC has thought about a few different solutions. One is that the Olympic games will be laid permanently in two cities. Athen for summergames and a city with stable weather and good economic resources. A different solution is that the candidate cities will not be allowed to meet th...

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Inactive member [2000-07-05]   The Olympic bribery scandal
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