Crossing the bridge: Moving towards ethnic reconciliation in Kosovo

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uppladdat: 2008-01-01
Inactive member

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The wounds from the bloody conflict over Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia are still very much unhealed in the Newborn state. This thesis purpose is to examine why there has been a failure to establish a base for reconciliation between the two largest ethnic communities in Kosovo, the Kosovo Albanians and the Kosovo Serbs. It initially gives a thorough account of the conflict in Kosovo by describing a history of apartheid, distrust amongst the two communities and open warfare. The analysis that follows is based on the theory for sustainable reconciliation from Lederach from which crucial components of reconciliation are conceptualized and used to form the analytical framework. Through three dimensions, ?Coexistence & Integration?, ?Rule of Law & Justice? and ?Civil Society & Participation? this thesis finds that the lack of security, freedom of movement, weakness of the judicial system and weak civil societ...

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Inactive member [2008-01-01]   Crossing the bridge: Moving towards ethnic reconciliation in Kosovo
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-06-13]

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