
5800 visningar
uppladdat: 2003-05-19
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Greenpeace started in 1971. Twelve men sailed into US atomic test zone at the coast of Alaska. Their protest was non-violent. The group choose the name Greenpeace because they wanted to create a green and peaceful world.

The organization is well known to do things more than talk. They stakes on direct actions, in a way that draw attention to different environment encroachment and show better options. Greenpeace´s mentalist’s are a bit notorious when they do actions, but they are not violent at all. The actions are always peaceful and without any damage. The difference between Greenpeace and other organizations that only spreads information is that Greenpeace acts honest and they always take full responsibility of their actions.

Greenpeace works with different campaigns over the whole world and they have won many victories during the years. One of them is that nuclear testing has been stopped.
The difference between Greenpeace and WWF is that WWF works with animal’s right. Greenpeace works with human rights at environment area.
Greenpeace has office in more than 30 countries and has over four million members. The head office is in Amsterdam. Besides them who work at the office are there many who works for free. They work with all things, from office work to actions.
The work that Greenpeace do is very important.

We must preserve our planet, our animals and plants as good as possible, because we have already destroyed so much.
In north they are, right now, working to abolish nuclear power (Sweden and Finland) and save old forests (Denmark).
The organization are fighting non-violent
· To protect the ozone layer
· To save the rainforests
· To protect the rivers and seas from pollution
· To abolish nuclear power and nuclear weapons, and to stop nuclear testing.

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Inactive member [2003-05-19]   Greenpeace
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-15]

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