Jane Austen & Mary Shelley
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uppladdat: 2003-05-22
uppladdat: 2003-05-22
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The difference between them is that Jane had a safe and placid childhood in the higher middle-class in the country. She was the youngest of seven siblings.
Mary on the other side was very alone, the only child, her mother died 10 days after her birth.
Both of them started to write very early, but for Jane it was at first because she was entertaining her family with the writings. Mary published her first poem in the age of ten.
Jane got a proper education and always brought books where ever she went. Mary was left to educate herself.
Jane moved with her family to Bath, Southamton, where her father died five years later.
When Mary was 16 she ran away to France and Switzerland with a guy cold Percy Bysshe Shelley. They married 1816 after Percys’ first wife had drowned herself.
Jane never got married and she never got any children. Mary and Percy got their first child, a daughter, who died in Venice, Italy a few years later. Their second child was a son, William.
Instead she was moving around with her mother and her sister Cassandra. Some of Janes novels are illustrated by Cassandra.
Jane Austen died in “Addisons decease” 1817 in Winchester. At that time, Mary was 20 years old. Same year, Mary wrote the novel “Frankenstein”, in Switzerland. It was published 1818 and became a huge succes. Same year, the family moved from England to Italy. 1819 Mary suffered a nervous breakdown after the death of William who died in malaria when he was three years old. She stayed in Italy until her husband drowned in 1822.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley died 1851.
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Inactive member [2003-05-22] Jane Austen & Mary ShelleyMimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=2152 [2024-09-09]
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