V.S. Naipaul
4470 visningar
uppladdat: 2003-08-23
uppladdat: 2003-08-23
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So how has his background affected him as a writer and a human being?
He always returns to the colonialistic and the post-colonial society in his books. In “A house to Mr Biswas”, the great roman about the Indian anti-hero Mr Biswas, have his own father for example been the model for the leading character.
The father was Naipauls pattern: the indian who released himself from the routines as a worker and farmer, and became a learned man, writer, sceptical and liberal journalist.
One thing that has mostly inspired him, is his journeys. He has met people all around the world and asked questions about heritage and identity, rootless and alienation in a cultural world. But he doesn’t become engrossed in learned analysis and political commentaries. Instead he choose to turn to those people he meets, he asks and listen, humble and curious.
This last decennium, Naipaul more and more use to describe his contemporary period journalistic and documentary. Many of his novels take place in the third world.
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Inactive member [2003-08-23] V.S. NaipaulMimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=2183 [2024-12-01]
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