An abstract of the article "Fighting big fat"

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uppladdat: 2003-08-31
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In an article from “Newsweek”, 5th August 2002, Sally August and Jennifer Lin write about the junk food children get in school, and what we can do to change this world, where people just getting bigger and fatter.

They write about Don Colbert, a priest who have seen this problem growing among the churchgoers; they getting to fat. He says to them that they should eat like Jesus did, fish, whole grains and vegetables.
Colbert is, what Sally August and Jennifer Lin call, “a soldier in a growing army of lawyers, doctors and otherwise ordinary citizens who are taking on the sprawling and powerful junk-food industry. “

In the article, they point out that in the industry of junk food, which just growing bigger and bigger, something went wrong. The life the Americans living today is getting more and more conspire with fast food, soda and junk food. But somewhere in this fat world, people is being more conscious about what they eat, and they start to fight to get healthier fare in cafeterias and lawmakers all over USA trying to pass laws to restrict the junk food being sold in schools.
Metabolism-ämnesomsättning obesity-fetma lawsuit-process, rättegång lawyer-advokat, jurist
All behind this, there is doctors who trying to figure out how fat food affects our metabolism.
In this article, there is a Univerity law professor, called Richard Daynard, who is holding a strategy for about 100 lawyers, who is interested in pressing similar claims against this industry. Just like tobacco has text of warning on the packages, they want to have warning commercials for the junk food as well.

The fast-food makers meaning in all this, is that this obesity lawsuit is going to be ab...

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Inactive member [2003-08-31]   An abstract of the article "Fighting big fat"
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-12-01]

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