A summery of the movie "Quit storm"
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uppladdat: 2003-09-18
uppladdat: 2003-09-18
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Discussing part
I’ve chosen to write about topic number 3, which is “Is physical violence worse than psychological terror?”
When I hear that question, I can’t say a yes, but neither a no. Its a question to discuss and there are many different ways at looking at this question, but I’ll only write about one of them.
When you are exposed to psychological terror your soul brakes down piece after piece, maybe without anybody noticing. If somebody says to you that you are ugly, you first deny it, but then you start to think about it, and after a while you say to yourself “I’m an ugly person”. This is the weird way an human being works. And if you have come to this point, where you say to yourself “I’m ugly” it’s hard to love and trust other people again. All this can happen without anybody noticing, until you’re broken.
But if you’re exposed to physical violence, you can’t hide it too long, without people in you nearness noticing. People who are exposed to physical violence often shudder to take a show...
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Inactive member [2003-09-18] A summery of the movie "Quit storm"Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=2285 [2025-01-13]
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