The Constitution of Kosovo or Ahtisaari? A Qualitative Case-Study on the Process of Constitution-Making

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uppladdat: 2008-01-01
Inactive member

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This thesis focuses on the process of constitution-making in Kosovo. It aims at giving an insight into the process and the negotiations leading up to the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, and the impact the international community has had on this. The purpose is to use the existing consociational theory of Arend Lijphart, as a template when analyzing this specific case. I therefore focus on the following four consociational key-notions when analyzing the process: power-sharing, presidential vs. parliamentarian systems, decentralization and electoral system. In addition, I also use negotiation and mediation theories to analyze and explain the negotiations leading up to the Comprehensive Proposal on the Kosovo Status Settlement and the Constitution. By conducting interviews with a variety of persons associated with the constitution-making, as well as analyzing text-material, I hope that my analysis will give a small insight into the process of this complicated process. In the end, I argue that this constitution was formed under very specific circumstances, leading to the conclusion that its creation was a result of intense negotiations, and highly influenced by the international community. There were neither viable options to this specific...

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Inactive member [2008-01-01]   The Constitution of Kosovo or Ahtisaari? A Qualitative Case-Study on the Process of Constitution-Making
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-15]

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