Rumble Fish
7074 visningar
uppladdat: 2003-12-28
uppladdat: 2003-12-28
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The book plot is about a guy who’s called Rusty-James and he is the toughest guy in the group of high-school kids. Rusty-James and his friends use to hang out at the pool-house down at Benny´s, and he enjoys keeping up his reputation. What he wants most of all is to be just like his older brother, the Motorcycle Boy. He wants to stay calm and laughing when things get dangerous, to be the toughest street fighter and the most respected guy on their side of the river. Rusty-James isn´t book-smart, and he knows it. He relies on his fists instead of his brains -- Until now he´s gotten along all right, because whenever he gets into trouble, the Motorcycle Boy bails him out. But Rusty-James´ drive to be like his brother eats away at his world, until it all comes apart in an explosive chain of events. And this time the Motorcycle Boy isn´t around to help him.
I enjoyed this book because it wasn’t hard to read and I also understand it quite good. The book makes us kids think allot about gangs and fighting and stuffs like that. It makes us think, if we want to be in gangs we will fail in school and it shows what will happen to us kids if we don´t finish school and hang with the wrong crowd or any gangs.
I really recommend thi...
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Inactive member [2003-12-28] Rumble FishMimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-12-13]
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