Arthur Schopenhauer´s 3 steps

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uppladdat: 2004-02-26
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"... 3 steps will sacre my opinion... "

Arthur Schopenhauer was most knows as the good Nietzsche. A man with same ideology but was even able to make it sound softer, lighter and even rightsfully.

Born in Danzig with his prime-quote : I know nothing that´s not important to be known, he was another among many philosophers who humanizated the feeling for humanity, it´s roots and most important, it´s background.

If reality is the blind will to live, and the world is the objectivation of such a blind will, life is painful misery. Schopenhauer makes a broad and acute analysis of all the various branches of existence, only to conclude that life is essentially pain and that it is a mistake to persevere in the will to live. According to him, everywhere in the world everything is desire, because all -- everywhere -- is will. To desire signifies suffering distress on account of the lack of what is desired. If the desire is not satisfied, the distress remains and increases; if it is satisfied, satiety and annoyance follow, and this in turn causes new desires and new distresses.

There´s egoism and Asceticism over his qualy but Ethics makes man able to acknowledge that in addition to himself there are other men endowed with an essence like his own. Hence he is forced by ethics to suppress his egoism which, because of the desire for life, is the root of every evil. The fundamental characteristic of ethics is compassion. Man is immoral when he increases the misery of another or when he remains indifferent to another´s suffering. On the contrary, he is moral when he feels the distress of those who are his fellow men, and tries to mitigate their pain. Thus he feels that he is one with all men, as in truth he is, by reason of the unity of the Universal Will from which everyone proceeds. But even ethics does not succeed in completely eradicating the insidious source of all evils, and hence it is necessary to ascend still further, to the third grade, ascetics.

Lover of Richards Wagner´s music and his ties with Nietzsche made him be known in History as a non-grato person in many countries, even he died in 1860 in Frankfurt am Main, more than 50 years before you know well.

His 3 steps is probably the best known work of his life. A master piece that rules todays policy. A piece of Art that makes World ruling. All POLITICS rule. Wan´t to know the 3 steps?. Here we go:

"All Truth goes through 3 Steps" by Arthur Schopenhauer:

1.- "One first step were it´s ridiculed".

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