Hugo Chávez Venezuela - en demokrati i praktiken eller bara på pappret?

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uppladdat: 2005-01-01
Inactive member

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Abstract In this bachelor thesis I discuss and analyse the current situation of the Venezuelan democracy. By using a theoretical framework based on the theory of horizontal accountability, I focus on the interaction between different institutions and branches within the state of Venezuela. The analysis focuses on the strenghts and flaws of the newly accepted constitution, and to what extent the institutions of checks and balances remain true to the laws and the constitution of 1999. My conclusions are that in terms of vertical accountability, the Chávez-regime acknowledges a wide popular support for their governmental actions. In contrast, the incumbent administration shows almost no respect for horizontal accountability. The power of the executive branch has increased at the cost of the judiciary, and actions made by the national electoral council, the constitutional assembly and the supreme court during and after the implementation of the constitution can only be described as illegal. The ruling MVR-party has influenced the outcome of important decisions made by branches of checks and balances, which shows a lack of horisontal accountability. However, it is sti...

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Inactive member [2005-01-01]   Hugo Chávez Venezuela - en demokrati i praktiken eller bara på pappret?
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-12-01]

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