Is the Draft treaty of the European Constitution a consociational suggestion? - A strike in the Consociational battle

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uppladdat: 2004-04-13
Inactive member

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Europe?s violent history led to the European cooperation in order to maintain peace in the diverse Europe, after World War 2. The 4th of October 2003 the European Convention presented a Draft Treaty establishing the European constitution, in Rome, aiming at establishing a constitutional framework for the Union. Consociational theory explains how stability in diverse societies is accomplished and has therefore, over the last decades, widely influenced constitutional designing. If Consociationalism leads to stability then it appears to be a pertinent basis for the European Magna Charta. In this thesis I examine the level of consociationalism in the European union and the Draft Treaty using the four key concepts of consociationalism as parameters; grand coalition, segmental autonomy, mutual veto and proportionality. The study demonstrates how certain consociational features can be established in the Union though in the Draft Treaty a decrease i...

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Inactive member [2004-04-13]   Is the Draft treaty of the European Constitution a consociational suggestion? - A strike in the Consociational battle
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-12-12]

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