What do people want?: a study of priorities in camps at Skanska International's projects

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uppladdat: 2004-01-01
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The study gives a picture of which priorities inhabitants have in a camp, housing area, linked to international projects around the world. The survey is based on interviews with 21 expatriate employees within Skanska International and 8 accompanying spouses. The aim for this project was to find out what people want within the camp if staying for at least three years. By doing this it also showed that some common factors are extensive to the inhabitants of the camp. Thus the general camp can be more efficient and cost effective by customizing the facilities. Cars for private use are important to the expatriate employees. This could be a reality by allowing the expatriate employees to use the company car privately at their own expense. In return the cars would probably be better taken care of, you don't want to go around in a neglected car during weekends with your family, and the car would need less repairs. The ability to go away over the weekends are also essential to the families and by providing the means this is possible and less spare time will be spent on the camp, less spare time means less need for leisure pursuits. There are a couple of sport activities which are essential for the inhabitants. These are: the pool the tennis court, the pool table, gym and squash. Today the camp area often offers a lot more. By making a priority among the leisure pursuits time and money can be saved in the caretaking and construction. A few good things are better than a lot of semi good ones. Another important factor is the camp administration. The camp spirit is very fragile and easily disturbed. By having a camp administration who listens to the inhabitants, are flexible and inventive there is a lot to gain in both camp spirit and in the long run better production on sight as the contract workers have a good home environment. There is...

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Inactive member [2004-01-01]   What do people want?: a study of priorities in camps at Skanska International's projects
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=33254 [2024-06-02]

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