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uppladdat: 2005-02-03
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This is a thrilling and exiting book by the author Catherine Macphail. The novel is about Maxine and her way of handling her brother Derek’s supposed death.
Derek ran away from home one day and he never came back. He ran away because there was this boy in school called Sweeney that bullied him. Sweeney chose his victims carefully and he would not stop harassing them until they moved, or in Derek’s case, ran away.
His parents did everything to find him. But one day the police called and said that they had a body that they wanted them to come and identify it. They went and confirmed that it was Derek’s body.
To Maxine this was a relief. She now thought that her parents would stop thinking about Derek and start thinking about her. She had felt so lonely and left behind when all her parents could think of was Derek.
Her situation did not get any better after her brother’s death. Her mom was still hoping that he would come back. She was thinking about Derek all the time and neglected Maxine. Her dad was not like that. He missed Derek but he knew that he was not coming back. He wanted to let go.
Maxine’s situation was bad and it got worse when she one day received a phone call from someone claiming to be Derek.
Who was that? Was it really Derek?
The only one she could tell this about was her friend Cam. He was helping her to find out who it was that called her.
Maxine thought that some cruel imposter was playing tricks on her because it could not have been Derek, he was dead.
Or was he?

I chose to read this novel because a couple years ago my former teacher recommended it. When she told me about the novel I got interested immediately because it seemed to be a very exciting story.
I think that this book is very readable. It is a thrilling book and once I started to read it I just could not stop. One thing that attributed to that was that at the end of every chapter something exciting happened that made me more interested so I had to keep reading.
The thing that I really like about this novel is that it is so realistic. These types of things are happening in real life and I think that is great that the author Catherine Macphail has written a novel about it.
The novel really touched my heart. I started to...

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Inactive member [2005-02-03]   Missing
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=3346 [2024-12-05]

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