Kärleksgudinnor och machomän : Hur kvinnor och män framställs i bilderna i konfirmationsboken Via Mystica

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uppladdat: 2008-01-01
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The purpose with this thesis is to analyse images in the confirmationbook Via Mystica from a gender perspective. By using two different ways to analyse the pictures, a content analysis and a semiotic picture analysis, the result was as follows: The pictures of men an women fortifies the construction of gender. The girls in the pictures are represented as caregivers and comforters, while the boys are represented as strong and tough. The four pictures from the semiotic picture analyses showed how easy it was to categorise the men and the women in the photos in opposing stereotypes. The women are percieved as weak and submissive while the men were either strong criminals or a strong hero. You can se how these kind of ideal pictures of how men and women should be and look goes a long way back in history. It´s nothing new. The forming of your identity and the view of your sexaulity is very much influenced by these kind of ideal pictures.Via Mystica gives the impression of being a topic for discussion beacuse there are many questions in the book that the user has to reflect over. The conclusion is that as long as the pictures are discuss...

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Inactive member [2008-01-01]   Kärleksgudinnor och machomän : Hur kvinnor och män framställs i bilderna i konfirmationsboken Via Mystica
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=34012 [2024-11-01]

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