Carolina Klüft

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uppladdat: 2005-02-03
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Carolina Klüft is Sweden’s most successful athletics. She is only 21 years old and has already taken a gold medal in the Olympic Games.
She lives in Karlskrona in Sweden with her boyfriend Patrik Kristiansson who’s a pole-vaulter. It says that their hobby (without the sports) is to play the Swedish card game “Skitgubbe”.
Carolina Klüft has always loved sports and training. It’s a dream that has come true for her when she competes in the Olympic Games. Her mascot is a soft toy of Eeyore. She never forgets to bring him to the competitions.
Carolina says that she only compete because she loves it and not just because of winning. When she going to fined athletics as boring she says that she going to quit.
-It’s most important to have fun when you compete, not just compete to win, she says.

-Carolina is a big humanist, she is very humble. She is the girl who wins a competition, got 25000 Swedish crowns and immediately gives it to BRIS (a Swedish organization for the children’s rights), says the coach Ulf Karlsson.

Carolina Klüft’s first Olympic Game
When she got over the winning post after the 800 meters you heard ABBA’s dancing queen roared all over the Olympia Stadium. Carolina Klüft was the winner of the heptathlon. She was superior and won with 6952 points. That was 517 points better than the one who took the silver medal. That’s the biggest margin to the winner in the heptathlon in the Olympic Games ever. Carolina was also the youngest of everyone in the heptathlon but she was also the best.
About the Olympic gold medal she says that she is really happy and that it was two really funny days to compete.

Her results of her heptathlon were:
100 metres: 13, 21 seconds (best of the year)
High jump: 1, 91 metres (best of the year)
Shot: 14, 77 metres (personal record)
200 metres: 23, 27 seconds
Long jump: 6, 78 metres
Javelin: 48, 89 metres
800 metres: 2, 14, 15 minutes

A few days after the heptathlon was it time for the long jump. Carolina qualified and get to final. On her first final jump she jumped 6, 63 metres and in her second 6, 62 metres. In her third jump she needed to jump at least 6, 81 metres to go on and she jumped long but then the red flag showed. The red flag meant that she had failure and needed to leave the long jump competition. In that compete she ended on eleventh position of twelve. That’s the longest way from the medals she ever has been in a competition. About the long jump she says that everyone can fail and this was her time. She also says that it’s a kind of good because children and teenagers need to know that it isn’t dangerous to fail.
Carolina Klüft is still that happy she was before the long jump and refuses to go home disappointed. She is pleased with her achievement and of course her gold medal in the Olympic Games in Athens 2004.

What’s happening after the Olympic Games in Athens 2004?
After the Olympic Games is Carolina going to compete in Finnkampen. Finnkampen starts forth September in Gothenburg in Sweden. Carolina is going to compete in 100 meters hurdle, 100 meters, 200 meters, long jump, high jump, three steps and relay 4x100 meters.
When Finnkampen is over is she going to start training for the next season.


Gold in heptathlon; junior-world championship 2000
Gold in heptathlon; junior-European championship 2001
Bronze in heptathlon; the big European championship indoors 2002
Gold in heptathlon; junior-world championship 2002 (Swedish record & junior world record)
Gold in heptathlon; the big European championship outdoors 2002 (New junior world record)
Gold in pentathlon; world championship indoors 2003
Gold in heptathlon; world championship 2003
Bronze in long jump; world championship indoors 2004 (Swedish record)
Gold in heptathlon; Olympic Games 2004


Svenska Dagbladet’s exploit medal 2003
The female athlete of the year and the personality of the year; the Swedish sport ceremony 2003
The Swede of the year, the Swedish radio programme Efter tolv’s listeners
I think that Carolina Klüft is an amazing person. I’m impressed of her talent. She is very young and has already taken a gold medal in the Olympic Games, which also was her first competition in the Olympic Games. That’s huge!
She has not only taken a gold medal in the Olympic Games she has even taken gold medals in other big competitions. That’s amazing! I think that Carolina Klüft going to take all of the record in athletic. Olympic Games 2004 in Athens was her first and she won the heptathlon with the biggest margin to the second ever and that’s a really god start in her Olympic Games career. I think she is that kind of athletic that always going to be current. She’s going to write history with her achievements in athletics. A long time after the end of her career I think we going to remember Carolina as one of our best Swedish athletics ever, or maybe the world’s best athletics ever. She got a really good debut in the Olympic Games and we are going to see Carolina win a lots of gold medals in the Olympic Games in the future, at least if you believe me.
Carolina is not only a good athletic she is also a really god prototype for young people. She is human and thinks about other people. She gives money to different organizations that helps children’s, people the Third World and other people with difficulty. She has been involved in programmes like Faddergalan witch helps children to get a family.
I think that her personality is amazing. She wants to do something good for the world and I find that as really positive. It’s important that fame people do something good for the world, because they really can affect other people. Because of that I like Carolina Klüft, she is natural and she always says that money isn’t all. She has a message to the world; stay in peace and don’t be afraid to help other people.
That it’s a really good message I think. Maybe can Carolina affect a few more people to stay in peace with her talent, her statements and her radiation?

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Inactive member [2005-02-03]   Carolina Klüft
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-12-01]

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