The Fellowship of the Ring:
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uppladdat: 2005-02-10
uppladdat: 2005-02-10
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The Story of The Ring take place in a whole other word than our, the Middle Earth and is populated whit creatures how just exist in the human fantasy. Now they have to imagine the whole thing and build it up. Because of the great nature they picked New Zeeland to build it on.
The Plot:
For long time ago the dwarfs forged magical rings for the peoples in the Middle earth, nine for the humans, seven for the dwarfs and three for the elves. But one thing they don’t known, the lord of darkness, Sauron, had made a ring which had the power over all the other rings. The One, The Lord of The Ring. Sauron was killed by Isildur, he cut the Ring of his finger, but his soul survived and grooved stronger. And so, the dark powers get their eyes of the Ring again. A hobbit had it in his own.
The Fellowship of the Ring:
In the year of 1996 Peter Jackson started whit the really hard work doing a film of The Story of The Ring, one of the most popular books ever. He was not the first, but he was the first who not done it animated.
The Story of The Ring take place in a whole other word than our, the Middle Earth and is populated whit creatures how just exist in the human fantasy. Now they have to imagine the whole thing and build it up. Because of the great nature they picked New Zeeland to build it on.
The Plot:
For long time ago the dwarfs forged magical rings for the peoples in the Middle earth, nine for the humans, seven for the dwarfs and three for the elves. But one thing they don’t known, the lord of darkness, Sauron, had made a ring which had the power over all the other rings. The One, The Lord of The Ring. Sauron was killed by Isildur, he cut the Ring of hi...
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Inactive member [2005-02-10] The Fellowship of the Ring:Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-21]
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