Ice-hockey and NHL

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uppladdat: 2005-02-11
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There are a number of theories. The most easily verified historically, is that ice hockey was invented in northern Europe as a winter sport for field hockey, a sport played for over 500 years.
There are documented accounts from the 1700´s and 1800´s of a game being played in England with players running about their frozen fields hitting a wooden or cork ball with curved wooden sticks. Others have sed that hockey is a type from the American game lacrosse.
Whatever you believe about the game, I think it was brought to North America by the British. The earliest games were probably played by soldiers. In the 1870´s, a group of college students.
Hockey became an popular sport in Canada, with club teams from Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal, playing each other.
By 1893, the game was so popular that Lord Stanley of Preston, the British Governor-General of Canada, donated a silver bowl to be awarded annually to Canada´s champion hockey team. This bowl is the modern-day Stanley Cup, the NHL´s championship prize. In 1894, a team from Montreal won the first Stanley Cup match. It is believed that the first hockey games in the United States were probably played around 1888.

NHL has never been more popular as it is today. The league can take up 26 teams with four additional teams that will join the league by the year.
The season begins in October with each team competing in 82 regular season games. A four-round playoff begins in April with the Stanley Cup finals completed in June. The league is run out of offices in New York, Montreal, and Toronto.


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  • Inactive member 2008-02-26

    hur bra va denna då?


Inactive member [2005-02-11]   Ice-hockey and NHL
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