Stone Cold

15 röster
28570 visningar
uppladdat: 2005-04-04
Inactive member

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Stone Cold is a story about a homeless bum named Link and his terrible life in London. You never get to know Link’s his real name. Link got a normal life at the beginning but then he starts to mess up.
Link is from Bradford, Yorkshire and lives there with his mother and her boyfriend Vince. Vince is a real swine and he doesn’t like Link at all. He always starts arguing about Link. Link’s mother was at the beginning a nice, caring and peaceful person but when she met Vince, he turned her into a person who runs out on parties.

Link wasn’t a very sharp boy in school, he nearly didn’t finish school. He only got five GCSE and couldn’t get a job. One day Vince locks him out and Link decides to sleep at his older sisters house, her name is Carole. Without Carole’s support Link wouldn’t survive. Carole lives on the same street as Link with her boyfriend Chris. Link stays the night over at their house but he notice that Chris doesn’t like him being there so he leaves early in the morning.

At Christmas Eve Link got a sleeping-bag for Christmas present and as always Vince and Chris start arguing about Link. Link sneaked out with his sleeping-bag and the following day he decided to leave for London.
In London he rents a little filthy room from a rude guy, however he takes to much pay and after a few days he kicks Link out. Link starts to search for a job in London but he always gets the same answer: “Come back in a month”. The first night outdoors he met a guy name Ginger. Link and Ginger started to hang out together and Ginger taught him everything about the street-life. In the meanwhile you get to know a man named Shelter, he is an ex military. He doesn’t like bums at all. He wanted to clean up the streets so he killed them. He tricks them in to his flat, ties them up and strangles them.

Because he’s a trained soldier he’s very careful to not leave any tracks after his murder. He keeps his victims under the floorboards in his flat.
One bum disappears after another and after a while Ginger disappears. Link starts to look everywhere for him but he can’t find him. He meets Toya, one of Gingers friends and ask her if the have seen him but she haven’t.

After some time alone Link meets a girl named Gail, a very handsome girl. They soon become friends and after a while Link starts to like her.
They start to look after Ginger together and all the tracks they have got leads to this mysterious man, Shelter. Link wants to search his flat but Gail thinks it’s too dangerous. One night Link went all alone to Shelter’s apartment and he saw Shelter walk away, slowly Link moved towards the apartment and when he’s about to enter the front door Shelter took a stranglehold on him and forced him into the apartment. At the same time Gail found Link’s bag outside the front door and she called the police from a phone booth. Link asked Shelter where Ginger was, Shelter showed him the trapdoor in the floor and there they were, all his friends, strangled to death. After a couple of minutes Shelter started to strangle Link. Link started scre...

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Kommentarer på arbetet

  • Inactive member 2008-01-31

    den bästa hitils

  • Inactive member 2008-03-12

    bra skrivit ;)

  • Inactive member 2008-03-13

    Mycket bra, Tack!

  • Inactive member 2010-01-18

    taaack nu slipper jag läsa boken :)

  • Inactive member 2010-02-25

    very nice!

  • Inactive member 2011-10-07

    tackkk nu kan jag skriva en resencion utan att läsaboken så bästa jag är!!

  • Inactive member 2012-03-17

    tack, ni slipper jag läsa boken.

  • Inactive member 2012-03-17

    tack, ni slipper jag läsa boken.

  • Inactive member 2018-04-11



Inactive member [2005-04-04]   Stone Cold
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-09-09]

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