Motivational Program for Students & Teachers
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uppladdat: 2005-04-10
uppladdat: 2005-04-10
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Kommentera arbete
Absenteeism – constant and repeated absenteeism.
Lateness – late to several classes.
Poor performance – produced work is of low quality and quantity.
Labour turnover – many classmates leaving, often because of an unsolved issue.
Greviances – complaints are important red signals that should be taken under consideration AND solved during that time.
Poor response rate – students don’t give as much answers as the teachers ask and expect, with no encouragement.
Attitude – a student’s personal attitude towards other colleagues or/and teachers, towards school.
Lack of time and Respect
Workload, Class Environment and Working Conditions
Organization and Schedule
Esteem, Responsibility and Access
Student-teacher relation and Unfair Grades
Content and Supplies
Lack of time and Respect
When an assignment is given to the student, teachers have to keep in mind that the student is receiving other assignment from other subjects as well. Therefore, the teacher needs to set a reasonable and fair date for the assignment. Lack of time for an assignment can be very demotivating, as this can cause stress within the student. Stress will lead to one or more of the signs of demotivated students.Respect is a demand we all require. The student has to receive respect from its peers as well as teachers. By doing so, the student will most likely get in the habit of doing the same (if she/he is not doing so already) and the student will feel a lot better when going to school, which will increase motivation.
Workload, Class Environment and Working conditions
A huge factor, maybe one of the most common factors of demotivation is definitely workload. A student shouldn’t have to miss days of school to do the bunch of work, or feel pressured of the work, and have no free time for won needs and activities. For a studnt to feel motivated, its own needs and activities are required – and with workload, the student’s motivational level will decrease.The class is an important factor, for the class is what will keep an individual student encouraged and happy. However, when the environment of the class is poor and suffering, the student won’t feel happy in the class, and this will therefore decrease the motivation of not only the student, but the class as a whole. Factors that often causes this situation is workload, lack of time, schedule, involvement and respect.
In order for students to work more productively, going through the working conditions would be a good idea. The student is in need of fair working conditions in order to achieve a better result in productivity, additionally also increasing the student’s motivation.
Organization and Schedule
Both the student and the teacher needs to stay organized for a bunch of reasons. Firstly, students need to adopt an organizational method in order to stay on time and carry out the productivity process. Secondly, it’s important for students to prioritize school tasks with own activities. The teacher’s responsibility here is not only to help the students to adopt an organizational method, but to also stay organized him-/herself. Teacher’s organization have showed to play an important role of, not only individual students, but the motivation level of the whole class. Students need an organized teacher, and students need to stay organized to make life easy on themselves.Students timetable may not show an importance of motivation and productivity, but actually it does. The schedule also shows how much free time in school a student has to work on their task, as well as how early/late a student ends its day in school. If lessons are too condensed to each other, allowing no additional free time, or too less time to work in school, the student will have to take all of the work home which will decrease the students’ own time. Also, apart from the seven-eight hours in school, the student will have to additionally put in extra hours everyday. This will cause a much less time for own activities which will demotivate the student. One out of several solutions to this could be a task schedule, where both teachers and students can stay on task, organized.
Esteem, Responsibility and Access
A student’s self-esteem is a need to stay motivated – maybe one of the clearest factors that will explain the student’s situation. Students can, time by time, feel that they aren’t capable of doing a task/subject, or feel unappreciated, thinking that other students are better than itself. A teacher should always make sure a student doesn’t feel that way and make sure to encourage that no other student is better than others, that the result of another student is not impossible to achieve for anyone.
Apart from that, a teacher can also increase a student’s self-esteem, even motivational level, by giving responsibility to the student. Having in mind that a student is its own individual, any person (not only a student) will feel trusted at some degree which will increase one’s self-esteem. Allowing students access to different facilities will make its effort in motivation and productivity because, again – access relates to trust and responsibility, all relating to motivation and productivity.
Student-teacher relation and Unfair Grades
While spending the majority of the day with other students and teachers, the bond between the teacher and the student is relatively important. This bond differs from school environments, but it is generally important for all environments to have some kind of a student justice and freedom plan. Students being so individual should feel comfortable to go to any teacher and discuss, ask, answer or summarize something. Teachers need to act as an individual too, to set a role-model and/or example for the student. There is no specific way a teacher should act, as everyone are individuals. It is also important for the teacher not to abuse its teacher position towards the student. In the less extreme case, a teacher shouldn’t expect a student to be organized if the teacher can’t organize him-/herself. There shouldn’t be an extra pressure towards a student, just because they are students. They should be equally treated. A student will always try to achieve a goal that will satisfy him/her. Some students even tend to prioritize certain subjects to gain a better knowledge and/or grade, depending on what they are interested in or want to do in the future. A teacher must make sure that the grade given to the student is fair and convincing. Not only tasks, but teachers should have in mind that class attendance and taking part (involving) in class also are important, that’s partly why students are there…to learn and to get a good grade. If mistakes are made during grading, teachers should make sure to change the grade to a fair grade – students have to feel fair about their grade, or their entire motivation can get decreased to a demotivated degree.
Content and Supplies
A lesson should be organized in advance. The content of the lesson should make sense to what is currently being studied, so that the student doesn’t feel lost or unsecured. The content of the lesson should also underline the main points of the course and classes. A good way of organizing the content of the course is to set up a plan of goals to be reached during the given time of the course. Students’ contribution would increase motivation level even more! The teacher should have the books and other supplies ready for usage, by picking interesting books with clear and good explanations, additionally diagrams and research graphs/tables. Handouts can be frustrating for students to keep and find when they need the specific information. Books are more organized to give to students. Another example of supplies within the class is, making sure that there is an OH equipment that is working fine when there are presentations.
Take notes in class.
Skim reading the textbook/pamphlet and sheets.
Taking notes from textbooks.
Organize hr/days and how much to study two weeks before a test.
Be organized and don’t study too much.
Never study a day before the test. Spend some time to hobbies…
Wake up one hour earlier the test day and go through notes.
Autocratic, Democratic, Paternalistic or Laissez-faire?
• Taking own decisions, with no further discussion with students.
• Setting business objectives themselves, issue instructions and make sure they are carried out.
• One-way communication.
• Motivational levels are likely to be low.
• Engaging in discussion with students before decisions are made.
• Two-way communication
• Needing good communication skills (clarity and understanding).
• Encouragement of full participation in the decision making.
• Student contribution
• Consultation, but decisions are made by teachers.
• Teachers decide what’s the best for the student.
• Two-way communication with decision limits.
• Letting students carry out tasks and take decisions themselves.
• Extreme version of democratic management.
• Very little teacher input.
• Effective in research and design teams.
• At times it could become a disaster.
The most suiting management style here is democratic, alternatively paternalistic. However, paternalistic management will demotivate students more than a democratic one, as there is less involvement for students to make decisions and contribute. Democratic management is a good management style that involves full participation, which will engage students to carry out tasks more effectively (see the factors). Students’ motivational level will increase when they feel that they are making a difference – by being able to take the initiative to make decisions with teachers. However, democratic shouldn’t mean that student...
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Inactive member [2005-04-10] Motivational Program for Students & TeachersMimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-12-01]
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