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uppladdat: 2005-04-10
uppladdat: 2005-04-10
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1.) Minority: a group typically numerically inferior to the rest o the population of a state, in a non-dominant position, whose members – being nationals of the state – hold ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics which differ them from the rest of the population. Members of a minority group share a sense of solidarity and a desire to protect their culture, traditions, religion or language. A minority group can sometimes be a numerical majority in a minority group position. Minority group status is not a matter of numbers; it is determined by the presence of distinguishing features such as discrimination. Other main characteristics of a minority group are;
* Members of a minority group suffer various disadvantages at the hand of another group.
* A minority group is identified by group characteristics that are socially visible.
* A minority is an insecure group with a strong sense of “oneness”.
* People usually do not become members of a minority group voluntarily; they are born into it.
* By choice or obligation, members of a minority group tend to marry within the group.
2.) The concept ethnicity is to be favored over race, because ethnicity is more about the specific individual; of that how the individual expresses itself, how it feels and sometimes how it thinks. Ethnicity focuses more on the actual person. Race however, focuses on the outer characteristics and unfortunately there are people today that judge them because of their appearances. The concept race can divide the population into humiliating differences.
Merits of Ethnicity: The term does not divide people after their physical appearance. Ethnicity separates people’s cultures, backgrounds, and psychological thoughts into small groups. ‘Ethnicity’ is not used in a discriminative way.
Demerits of Ethnicity: The term could at times be discriminative, depending on what perspective you look at it from. Division in population could be discriminative – and in some cases you might think why division has to take place in the first place, knowing that we all are human and living on earth together.
3.) Culture: the beliefs of the society and their symbolic representation through its creative activities. The essential points of culture would be habits, usually from back in generations that we have inherited. Another description to it would be traditions, or beliefs in a way. But you don’t have to believe in your culture in order to carry it on. For example, one traditional aspect in Turkey is that when getting married, the bride has a red ribbon tied on her waiste. This is ought to represent her virginity before marriage, but a lot of the Turkish population don’t believe in this, but continue it anyways, partly for the “pretty appearance” and partly for “the fun of it.”
Costume is another part of culture – as the different kinds of art, music and entertainment in different cultures. Sometimes even personal expression could be a part of a culture, such as behaving in a sacred place/temple, or having the exceptional respect towards older, or “important” people in your life.
My culture is fairly mixed, a bit slightly with the Swedish culture, a bit slightly with the Turkish, maybe even more that I don’t know of. As the Turkish culture is so different within the usual groups in Turkey, it’s hard to call it just “Turkish”. In my culture, we give respect to each other – not only to older people, although we are also not runnig from being ourselves. We speak our state of minds (a bit taken from the Swedish culture), we try to finish our entire education before we think of settling down in our own personal lives and before getting marreid, we put education and freedom before marriage, males and females have got equal rights in everything; whether it’s about education, dating, occupation, marriage, etc. In our cul...
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Inactive member [2005-04-10] EthnicityMimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-12-01]
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