Valentines Day
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uppladdat: 2005-04-14
uppladdat: 2005-04-14
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The origin of Valentines day is a quite interesting story that took place in the 5th century Rome. From the beginning, eight hundred years before the establishment of the Valentines day we know, the Romans performed a celebration to the god of fertility Lupercus. It all worked like a lottery. Men, in their early ages, were supposed to draw a note from a box, with a young teenage-girls name on it and as price she was to be his sexual companion for the remaining of the year.
Of course this annoyed many people and one of them was pope Gelasius, who made an attempt to change the tradition. He ordered that instead of drawing the names of young girls the box would contain names of saints which was to be emulated until the year had come to an end. In this new game both men and women got to pick and of course, this slight change was not very popular among the Roman men.
As a replacement towards Lupercus, the church found Valentine a most appropriate choice. In his lifetime, under rule of emperor Claudius, Valentine in secrecy married young couples, witch during that time was a crime according to the emperor. He claimed that “Married men make poor soldiers.”
Valentine was executed when Claudius found out about his secret ceremonies. And that is the story behind “Valentines day.”
Valentine is also a day of thought, surprises and gifts with the purpose to make every individual feel special in one way or another.
But what is a good surprise? What kind of a gift would prove my care for the one I love?
To answer these questions I took a walk around and asked some people I ran in to. Here follows the analyse of what would make some randomly chosen students, here in Bäckäng, happy on Valentine:
First I would love to get flowers, some roses would be nice and then some kind of a surprise, like a romantic dinner and perhaps a trip to the cinema afterwards.
I would like my partner to take me out on something unexpected, like driving go-carts. That you don’t do every day! And later on some cute-shaped candy to eat while watching a good movie at home.
Some kind of a present wich has been thought through a lot, a...
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Inactive member [2005-04-14] Valentines DayMimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-12-12]
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