Tonårsflickors val att avbryta eller fullfölja en behandling

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uppladdat: 2007-01-01
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Summary:Teenage girls’ choice of dropping out or complete a treatment.The purpose of this study is to investigate, from a client’s perspective, why teenage girls (age 13 to 17) drop-out or complete a treatment at Familjehuset in Karlstad, Sweden. We also want to investigate if the teenage girls’ experiences coordinate with the social workers opinion of why the teenage girls choose to drop-out or complete the treatment. Earlier research shows that many factors influence the client’s choice. A good relationship between the social worker and the adolescent is of great importance when it comes to complete a treatment. A qualitative abductive method for the six interviews was used in order to gain a deeper understanding for these phenomena.Results show that the teenage girls were in a period of emancipation in creating their own identity, which made it difficult for them to communicate with, and trust grownups. We believe that the three girls that completed the treatment had come further in this development than the three girls that dropped out. The girls which dropped out of treatment have had numerous contacts with social workers in the past, and their attitudes were very negative towards professionals. This attitude influenced their treatment at Familjehuset and it was hard to communicate in order to gain a good relationship for further treatment.Mostly, the girls thought that the social workers at Familjehuset were easy to talk to, and that they had listened to them and understood them. They all said that at first they did not like the contact, but the three girls which completed the treatment, were of the opinion that they would give it a chance, and this developed into a relationship that increased their motivation and could be of good help for them.The social workers at Familjehuset described several reasons why teenage girls choose to drop-out or complete a treatment. Many of these reasons coordinated with the girl’s points of view, like the importance of listening, creating a good relationship to get them motivated for further treatment. Items that the social workers mention, but the girls not, were the importance of...

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Inactive member [2007-01-01]   Tonårsflickors val att avbryta eller fullfölja en behandling
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