History of the camera

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uppladdat: 2005-12-19
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About 1500 (f.kr) there was some Chinesepeople that descovered that if you let some light in a dark room through a hole it appeard a picture on the other side. This discovery was later called "Camera obscura" that means "dark room" in latin.
On the 16th century some painters started to work on a model based on "Camera obscura" with a lens in the little hole to make the picure sharper. The "camera obscura-principle" are still used in todays cameras.

In 1725 the german inventor Schulze discovered that (silvernitratlösning)became black after standing in the sun for a while, and he thought it maybe could be used save the pictures from Camera obscura with some chemicals.
In 1827 the first fotography by the fotograph Niepce. He used a tinplate with a (bitumensskikt). The exposuretime was eight hours. Where the light hit the tinplate the (bitumenskikt) hardened, the unhardened places were dispersed so the picture got visible, but the first fotography was very blury.

In the year 1839 was Niepce method improved by the frenchman Daquerre, this method got the name dagerrotopy. The method was structured with a silverpainted copperplate that was sprayed with (jodånga) to become lightsensitive. The plate was exposed in the camera and was developed with quicksilversteam and the picture was fixed to the plate with a saline solution.

To save the picture it was forced to be in vaccum behind glass. The daggerotopy was very popular but the disadvantage of this method was that you couldn´t make a copy of the picture.
the same year the englishman Talbot discovered a method that was built on the sunlights directive effect on the lightsensitive paper.

1840 Talbot improved his method and the kaloptopy was created, and the exposuretime was only 10-20 seconds.
In 1851 Archer invented the (våta plåten) and the fotography was revolutionized. It was a glassplate that was coverd with chemicals, this method gave good and sharp pictures.
(Våtplåtskameran) that it was called was mounted on a tripod, the back of the camera could be adjusted to the right size and sharpness.This method demanded darkness immediatly, so if you were outside you hade to have a "tent" over the head and the picture.

In the 1870´s Maddox invented (tunna gelatinstrukna plåtar)covered with (bromsilver), it is the start of todays photographmethods.

In 1888 tha american Eastman introduced a small camera. In the camera the film was in a roll.
Eastman improved his camera in the 1900´s so it got cheaper, and now the amaturefotographing started.

All cameras of today is based on Camera obscura, but alot has happend sence (1500 f.kr) and the camera is improved all the time. Today there is man...

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Inactive member [2005-12-19]   History of the camera
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=5406 [2024-10-22]

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