Antimatter: the energy of the future?

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uppladdat: 2005-12-21
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Why I choosed this:
I’ve been thinking about antimatter very much lately, since I’ve read the book angels and deamons I can’t realy understand the power of antimatter so I decided to read about it. In 1920’s Paul Dirac gave a very fundamental equation that described the electrons abilities in quantum mechanic terms. That gave us the ability to about 70-80 years after, see what maybe are our future energy resources.
. I’ve heard about Einstiens formula E=mc2, but after some research it strike me. E=mc2 means energy=mass times speed of light. That’s the formula of antimatter. If we could use that energy’s we could drive a car in 10,000 years on 1 kg water. 1 kg contains 250,000,000,000 kWh energy. That’s an amasing power.

Hypothesis/problem: My question is, how to make antimatter and if it’s able to become the energy we use in the future. I think it actually can if we don’t rush ahead without not knowing what we are dealing with and think out a safe way to store the antimatter, then it won’t be any problems. I will also make a model of a small Proton Synchrotron in wood to show how a real one looks like.

Materials: I will build a small particellaccelerator because a real one would be like 28 km long. The small modell i build in wood (just to make it easy) but if I had build a real one I should have used big quadropole magnets that keep the particles in the accelerator moving through the pipe and not smash in to the wall. A target in copper or iridium because they are easy to cool. Lots of protons (the matter). An Antiproton Decelerator (AD) a Proton Synchrotron (PS) and lots of other technical stuff (the most info is confidential).

1: I read the book Angels and demons which gave me some fact.
2: I started to search on internet about antimatter and found some nice sites.
3: I made a small model of a PS.
4: I copied what I wanted and pasted it on a Microsoft word document.
5: I read it throw and started to write my Science Fair.
6: I read throw what I had written and rewrote what I didn’t like and corrected the spelling.
7: I made a display and glued it up on it.
8: Done

Well in my research I found 2 ways of making antimatter. So here they are.
1:st way:
Create antimatter: How to make antimatter is quite difficult, as you might understand, because of the high costs to make it (around 25 billion dollar per nanogram) and the danger to.
First they fire protons, electrons and neutrons from in a long vacuum pipe, the PS (27 km 1988) and runs them there until the protons get up in the speed of light (300,000 km per second).
The magnets in the tube, keep the protons flying on and on by electrostatic technic.
The particles are flying around the pipe without hiting the wall because of the electromagnetic fields that you can controll.
Then you smash them into a metal block called target wich create enourmos temperatures. When the proton hit the target at that speed of a temperature on 10,000,000,000,000 celsius is made on a very, very small volume. When something is heated up that much the energys that are created from the destroyed mass will be set free. The energy will transform into matter. This shows that Einsteins formula E=mc2 (Energy=mass times speed of light) is right. He had already found out the antimatter secret!

And new researches show that when something is formed you always get the opposite. Like when you make a paper figure you cut out the figure there’s a hole left. So the hole that the figure been made from what we could call an anti-figure. But when you lay back the figure in the hole its whole again (the energy is back to its original shape. It’s the same when Big-Bang occured). Somehow these anti-particles was made but lost the battle to the ordinary matter. I say battle because when the antimatter and matter touches each other they destroy each other instantly by a procces called annihilation. The matter and antimatter then become pure energy. Somehow there were 1 billion and 1 matter particles on every billionth antimatter particles.

So back to the procedure, when the matter is made its opposite is made, antimatter.
That antimatter is flyed into the AD that slows the antimatter down to 10% of the speed of light. Then the particles are brought to 3 different experiment labs: ATHENA, ATRAP and the ASACUSA. There the scientists are experimenting with them to find out for example how to use antimatter safe. In the ATRAP the antiparticles are stored in a penning trap with powerful energy fields that trap the particles. There the particles are cooled down to 4 above absolute zero, 269 degrees Celsius!

2: nd way: Around 1980 the scientists understood that they wasted lots of energy when they smashed the particles on the metal block. The particles then become around 29 GeV (giga electron volt, 1 GeV is around one billion electron-Volts). But they tried to make it become more energy and they found out that if they collided 2 beams with each other the energy that the protons would transfer to would be 900 GeV. It’s the same when you collide two cars. One standing still and the other is moving. Then you compare it with another crash. This time both cars are moving and the difference is obvious. The ones that were moving are much more destroyed than the other crash.
But in the 1990s a new proton collider was built, the LEP that collide protons in 14TeV (that’s 14,000 GeV).

After that they make anti-hydrogen of the particles since it’s the easiest atom (one electron and one proton).

The space control NASA are just a few years from developing a antimatter engine that could cut down the cost’s very effectivly.
Since 100 percent of the antimatter and matter turns into energy when they annihilate, the engine could go to Mars on 1 year on a millionth of a gram. That’s amasing.
The energy that’s being released is about 10 billionth times as much as with the fuel the rockets today have. In October, 2000 scientists announced designs on antimatter engines that could get a incredible thrust of a very small amount of antimatter and matter.

To build a PS wasn’t realy so hard as i thought and now it’s ready.

You can make antimatter. That have CERN showed us. It’s no science fiction on TV. Its 100% real, now today.
So forget the science fiction in Star Trek, soon it’s just a documentary.

Since the antimatter is real the most dangerous weapon we have created is also real. And as we all know the US government are weapon crazy, they are now trying to make antimatter weapons that could wipe the whole humanity out! Since the antimatter’s so expensive they can’t get that weapon in the nearest 50 years. But when they do: KABOOM!!!
But we can’t make antimatter bombs with the technology today, since we can’t make antimatter with enough high density. Because if we put to much anti-protons or electrons together there electric power will be stronger than the one that hold it in the tube, so it will touch the tube’s wall.
And if you mix the anti-protons with the anti-electrons you’ll get anti-hydrogen witch is neutral, so it will still annihilate.

If we in anyway could get the technology to make antimatter to much smaller costs antimatter-matter plants could be our future energy resources. Then we wouldn’t need to worry about the damage on...

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Inactive member [2005-12-21]   Antimatter: the energy of the future?
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