La Russie douze points - En studie i Ukrainas identitetspolitik

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uppladdat: 2007-01-01
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After the fall of the Iron Curtain the European Union was challenged partly by an institutionalized organization of the union, as well as by a socio-psychology awareness concerning the meaning of the European Union. The increase in European integration has generated a political collaboration where national understandings in identities are constantly being exposed for reconstruction. This results in a collective European identity where states are united in diversity. National identities are created when boundaries are set up in a relation to other states. In these identity constructions there are thoughts and questions raised such as who we are and who we are not. Ukraine and the European Union has, during a long time, had diversified preconceptions concerning who has been the others. Our aim in this thesis is to study Ukraine?s possibility to put their national identity in harmony with the collective European identity. This is achieved through a national identity analysis where we evaluate Ukraine?s identity and the identity of the European Union, the others. Our conclusion is that if Ukraine can change their identity image, which today consists of cultural components rather than the European identity that consists of citizen components, Ukraine has a good chance of being i...

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Inactive member [2007-01-01]   La Russie douze points - En studie i Ukrainas identitetspolitik
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-13]

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