A visit at The Globe Theatre in the last minute

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uppladdat: 2001-04-28
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A visit at The Globe Theatre in the last minute

Yesterday, I went through something amazing, for me who is born and has grown up and got my education in Sweden, it is something you only can dream about. I visit The Globe Theatre in London, which I already have red and heard so much fantastic about, something like that are never taking place in Sweden. But the way to get there was long….

It began really, as early as, year 1508, when I was 20 years old. My father was a lawyer and a philosopher and we had a lots of books coming in my way at home. One day my father had bought a book in English written by William Shakespeare named The Taming of the Shrew. I red the book immediately. I think this was the best book I ever red before, it was both fun and enjoyable. Since I studied language and history and it become “a must” for me to read all books, which was written by Shakespeare, because they were so amazing. My father who always had encouraged me to reed he bought all books he would find and give them to me. The interest is still there and in spring 1509 my father told me he has a surprise for me. He told me then that I should be travelling to England next year and not be home at my twenty-five anniversary. The thought was enormous. Father has a good friend, who also was a lawyer, living in London there he also had a son in my age. They had promised to take care of me those six month it was planning for me to stay in London. I was also told that I should be studing there and be able to learn and talk the language better than today.

Well, an intensive correspond took place. I write to my father’s friend and his son, Ian, and told them about my interest, partly about Shakespeare and partly about The Globe Theatre, that round theatre I’ve been heard so much about. I said I was looking forward to visit The Globe as soon as possible and most of all, I want to see a performance of William Shakespeare.

The planning of the journey had my father already taking care of. I was going the first ten miles from Skara to Gothenburg by horse. After that someone would meet me and deliver me in some boat, which would take me the whole way to England and London. When the boat will arrive, Ian and his father will meet me there and take me to their house in London.

Finally, the day for the journey came. I took goodbye of my family and went away with a banking heart, but oh, so fun!

One week later I stood in England’s ground and for the first time I meet Ian and his father, they waited for me at the wharf. They told me already, when we went home to their house, with horses, that all was settled for tomorrow, Ian and I should go to The Globe Theatre and see the first performance of Shakespeare’s “Henrik VIII”. Oh, so exciting! On the ride through London town it was a lot to see, so when the evening came I was very tired.
But tomorrow is the DAY!!!

Ian told me that we were sitting at stage there all the well situated were sitting. We came to The Globe early, it was surely at least one hour before start, Ian thought that we would not go so close to the other people, that means those people belonging to working-class and standing in front of the stage.

It was a fantastic scene and I knew that it was built already at 1576 and it was the first public theatre in England. It was built like a wooden “O” with no roof and the public at three sides. The stand-up audience was in front of the scene, and the tickets cost only a penny, around this were simple seats, which costs a little bit more. And on stage it was really expensive places, there was London’s upper class sitting and the other could look at them and see which clothes they whore and which hair setting was new now. It was a way to have attention also from the rest of the audience.

When we sat there waiting I could easy look at the audience and there was everything from the beggar, the idiot, the cheater, to the doctor, the lawyer, the scholar side by side. It was easy to say which social class the person’s belonging to.

So, all was settled and it was really crowded in front of the stage and the performance could start. It nearly became row in front of stage before it’s started. Finally, a man entered the stage, he was a nice looking man with fancy clothes, he told us that we would be seeing an performance named “Henrik VIII” and written by the famous William Shakespeare, who also would take place on the scene later. Then the play began. I hadn’t seen something like this in my life before, it was really amazing and fun. The time stood still. I think we had looked at the play nearly two hours, when suddenly someone yelled, “The fire is lose!”

All the audience started to scream and a big tumult was in front of us. We, who sat on stage, could go out through the backdoors and the coaches helped us to come ou...

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Inactive member [2001-04-28]   A visit at The Globe Theatre in the last minute
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=562 [2024-10-22]

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