Of Mice and Men

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uppladdat: 2001-04-30
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Of Mice and Men

I have read the book “Of Mice and Men” which was written in 1937 by John Steinbeck.
As I have not read any other books by this writer, I find it hard to reflect the differences in terms of language, characters and disposition. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion to describe the differences that take place throughout the book.

This book is about two friends, George and Lennie, and their friendship and common dream. Lennie is a well-built man, who is a very good worker, but not very intelligent as he constantly puts himself and his friend in tricky situations that George later has to find the way out of or solve. George is a lot smarter that Lennie, and benefits from this as he enjoys bossing people around. He likes having power and thinks that he will get that if they were to get their own farm. Because of this, this person saves all his money to be able to buy one in the future.

These two men are always on the road, working at different farms, all though the dream of having their own land with plenty of crops is incessantly in their minds. They thought that if they worked on their own land, they would not get any problems, as they would not be employed by anyone.

These two main characters are very different from each other, in many aspects. This matter is well described in the beginning of the book, as it adds a lot of understanding to the rest of the story. I believe that Steinbeck deliberately wanted to show that every person in this world has potential in doing something. Lennie may be stubborn, but he is after all a great worker, even though he is not aware of the fact that he is very strong. John uses Lennie’s weakness to show George’s kindness.

The book, Of Mice and Men, is very pleasant and interesting, as the story is easy to follow. The language is rather simple as it is not very descriptive. It flows gently along with the story, and much is told by the conversations between the characters.

Because of Lennie´s weakness and the situations he ends up in, I felt much compassion for this character. The thing that makes me feel sorry for George is that he continuously has to assist Lennie. I have personally experienced times when I try to explain a thing to someone, who does not understand what I am talking about at all, even though it is a very basic thing, which should not be so difficult to understand. Because of this, you can interpret George’s anger, when he explains simple things to his friend that Lennie does not understand at all. But George stayed with his friend, despite these problems, and this added great emotions to the book.

Friendship and dreams are two of the themes of this book that are reflected on each page of this rather short book. George’s and Lennie’s friendship is very important for them both, even though this fact can be questioned plenty of times while reading the book. George was like a loving parent to Lennie, and this gave me big thoughts of the theme of friendship.
Dreams build up goals that oneself has to strive for. As I read this book, I time after time asked myself how our lives would be without our dreams. I came to the conclusion that no-one would have any ambition, as this is what makes people struggle through the hard times of our lives. The idea of reaching our goals and dreams makes us want to live, even when p...

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Inactive member [2001-04-30]   Of Mice and Men
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=564 [2024-04-18]

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