Book report - The hobbit

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uppladdat: 2009-05-08
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I have been reading a book named "The hobbit". The author is J.R.R Tolkien, who is a very famous writer. He has also written the well-known trilogy "The lord of the rings", that has newly become a movie in three parts. "The hobbit" is actually how the adventure starts in "The lord of the rings", for example how Bilbo gets the ring. "The hobbit" came out in 1937, and was meant from the beginning as a child book, but I think both adults and children can read the book. 

The book is about Bilbo Bagger, a wealthy and liked little hobbit that lives a quiet and peaceful life in The Shire. One day he stands on his porch early in the morning and smoking his pipe. Then an old man comes walking up the on the small road. It was Gandalf the grey, the wizard. He was walking there in The Shire and searched for a man that he could send out on an adventure. Without Bilbo's knowledge Gandalf decides that Bilbo is the one he was searching for. So the next day Gandalf takes his friends, Thorin Oakenshild and his twelve dwarfs, to visit a very surprised Bilbo for a cup of tee. Gandalf explains for Bilbo, who is very upset, that he had promised the 13 dwarfs to find the last man to theirs expedition, and that Bilbo was the chosen man. They needed one last man to their expedition so they wouldn't be 13, because that is a bad luck number. The adventure is to travel across the countries to the Lonely Mountain far, far away. There lays a big treasure, but the mountain is now inhabited by the dragon Smaug that is guarding the treasure. After much persuasion Bilbo finally agrees to go along, and so the adventure begins. That was the last day Bilbo spends in his little hobbit house for almost a year.
  Almost the whole book is about the events that happen on the way to the Lonely Mountain. Many interesting events occur for the company fore example they are kidnapped by goblin and they are almost eaten by giants. Bilbo also finds a ring that makes you invisible.

Bilbo is a hobbit, hobbits are smaller then humans but bigger than dwarfs and they have big feet with hairy toes. In the beginning of the book he is very timorous, egoistic and does nothing unexpected. He spends his days in his hobbit hole and does only what is necessary. Bilbo doesn't lift a finger to help anyone else if it doesn't favour himself, but during the adventure Bilbo grows with the task. For example the company gets help from Bilbo without asking.
  Tolkien describes in a very expressive way, it feels like you are almost there and you can see pictures in you're head. You can't compare his world or book with any other author. His characters, language, all the different nationality is unbelievable, he had an incredible fantasy. For Tolkien had actually created at least five different languages, for example a language for the elf's.

The language is quite easy, I understood almost everything, but it was a little old English, so some sentences was hard to understand. It was only a few words I didn't comprehend, but those I looked up so I have learned a lot of words. You also notice that Tolkien was a professor in Old Norse languages, it also seems that he have been interested I poetry. Because many pages in the book are full of lyrics, I think that is fun for it is a little different from other books, and fun to read" came out in 1937, and was meant from the beginning as a child book, but I think both adults and children can read the book.

  The book is clearly a fantasy book; it is no doubt about that. It follows most of the characteristics in its genre. The hobbit contains supernatural creatures, a struggle between evil and good and many magic objects. Bilbo is the narrator, everything is told out of Bilbo's view. Bilbo is the big hero, but when everything goes back to normal he is just small and insignificant hobbit. He shows that even if you're not a big strong fighting person you can be a hero. You can change things, do big differences and do much more than y...

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  • Inactive member 2019-12-21

    what kind of words did you learn?


Inactive member [2009-05-08]   Book report - The hobbit
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-05-09]

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