Green Is Better than Red

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uppladdat: 2009-12-07
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Green Is Better than Red           Khawlah Malla-Mohammed

  Since the very beginning of time, mankind has always been eating meat. It's been considered a symbol of status to constantly have meat on the table and animals have been worshipped as "gods". But what are the benefits and disadvantages of eating meat? This essay will talk about why it's better to live from the earth, by discussing; why it's morally wrong, why eating meat harms the environment and why being a vegetarian is a good idea.
     First of all, all living creatures suffer when they're slaughtered, regardless of the species. There is no reason for anyone to be afraid of being stripped of their life, animals or humans. Furthermore, animals can't say no if someone wants to kill them. And because of this, meat is also stealing; stealing a living beings right to live.
     Meat consumption is also a big environmental problem. It is, contrary to what many people believe, a greater source of methane than ethanol. And cows that are raised only for a specific purpose (food to humans), so called "Belgian Blues", discharge venomous gas that the atmosphere can't break down as a result of all hormones that are being injected into their bodies. The gas joins the already thick layer of other gases in the sky, which obstructs infrared lights from leaving the atmosphere.
     But if the demand for meat was not that high, if more people were vegetarians, then we wouldn't have this problem. Besides, a vegetarian diet is more healthy and it tastes better. Only narrow-minded and old-fashioned people think "Veggiefood" is boring. Those people can continue eating meat from animals whose legs can't be more than short and chubby because of all the steroids. After a while, the Blues have trouble walking because of their weight, and that happens around the same time as they get killed.
     Some scientists claim that since humans are the dominate species in the world, we shouldn't be eating parts of dead animal bodies. They mean it's a gross insult to everything we stand for. Why should we disgrace ourselves by doing something we can dispense of? Something that's even deleterious. Yes, meat isn't that healthy.
     Tests show why it's better to be a vegetarian, for example; plant-based oils are anti-inflammatory and vegetarians tend to smell nicer. Furthermore, fewer diseases would spread if we ate fewer animals. The mad cow-disease is just one terrible example of this. A vegetarian diet is also more wallet-friendly; just think of all the money you save bynot buying e.g that expensive meat loaf.
     In the end, I don't see any reason for any of us not no skip the meatballs and the sausages, lets f...

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Inactive member [2009-12-07]   Green Is Better than Red
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