What is a classic?

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uppladdat: 2011-01-26
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What is a classic?

-What distinguishes a genuine Classic from any other literal work?

Well this is a question which has been much debated. And to come to an easy conclusion would be to dishonor the entire query.

I am under the impression that you could set up a number of criteria with attributes that all literal works considered as classics posses. I am not going to do that yet though.

First I will try to extract the essence of geniality in my classic of choice:  "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" written by Mary Shelley (1797-1851). Hereafter my looking glass of examination will fall upon how to formulate a few basic criteria from which you could pinpoint which literal works in fact are classics, to get a general idea of what is requested.

Frankenstein is a wonderful book with many interesting details. To "start from the end", with the letters written by the sailor, makes for a really interesting perspective towards the end. But I am not here to write a review of the book, I am here to try to analyze what makes Frankenstein so grandiose. What makes people want to make movies based on it. What makes folks, like me, still wanting to read it, 150 years after the death of the author. That is what I am here to find out. 


•1.       Language: Right from the first ten pages I couldn't fail to notice the high-colored, difficult, but poetic words and language of the author. I think this excellent language helps mediate the morality and story to the reader. Ex:

"We rest; a dream has power to poison sleep.

We rise; one Wand ‘ring thought pollutes the day.

We feel, conceive, or reason; laugh or weep,

Embrace found woe, or cast our cares away;

It is the same: for, be it joy or sorrow,

The path of its departure still is free.

Man's yesterday may ne'er be like his morrow;

Nought may endure but mutability!"                               

                                            (p. 101, original 1818 edition)

•2.       The morality: There is many interesting aspects of this in Frankenstein:

•i)        The relation creator - creation. I found a poetic quote regarding this, it's printed on the front cover:  

               "Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay

                 to mould me man? Did I solicit thee

                 from darkness to promote me...?"

(from Paradise Lost)

•ii)       Life and death: Frankenstein really gives a perspective on the issues with life and death, and the problems that may occur when something meant to stay dead is reanimated. It also tickles our nerves about the boundaries of science. We are all thought that something lives and then eventually dies, to never come back. Frankenstein brings chaos to that order.

•iii)     The issue with prejudice based on appearance - to not fit in.

Frankenstein's monster, or creation whatever you might call it, is faced with hate, contempt and fear from everyone who catches a glance of him - even though his soul is pure and innocent. He is to a beginning shocked by how dark and dread the world around him presents itself.  He does not know anyone and feels lost.

•3.       The story: Frankenstein is a thrilling, relevant and interesting story of a reanimated man and his creator. The idea is interesting and revolutionizing and, this is the most important part, it is still relevant! The idea of creating life has occupied man for millennia!  And will surely do for another couple of thousand years, if I would speak my mind.

•4.       An ability to withstand the test of time: Frankenstein has surely passed this criterion. Dozens and dozens of horror movies based on the 19th-century novel has been made. People still read it for pleasure and thrill, and for the morality and interesting point of view it presents of life and death and of a being and its creator.


•1.       Language: The words printed on paper are the link from the mind of the author, to the mind of his/her readers. The link needs to be good and strong like a good electric wire. It needs to transmit the story, moods, surroundings and morality in a stirring, if possible poetic way.

•2.       Morality: This is maybe the single most important criterion; the story needs themes, morality that affects people. That they can relate to. Issues that always will...

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Inactive member [2011-01-26]   What is a classic?
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=58855 [2024-07-27]

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