1230 visningar
uppladdat: 2019-02-18
uppladdat: 2019-02-18
Inactive member
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Kommentera arbete
sorry I Am Not good for school I want to sell my kittens I live in Sweden my blood I can give to everybody but I cannot for anybody 34 years olwelcome if yotake u want to talk come to my house/0046722705046/aymen1225@hotmail.com I live in Sweden series I have a daughter and my ex wife is a Danish just I wanna sell my kidneys to do something from my daughter to make her happy and I make other people happy I live alone and I get a divorce soon. my wife she's a Danish choose to go back to the mark after she born to child can I try to do my best to make my daughter happy when she's not next to me I can do everything for her. also I want to sell little little pieces for my liver everything for my daughter ...
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Källor för arbetet
I want to sell my kittens I live in Sweden my blood I can give to everybody but I cannot for anybody 34 years olwelcome if yotake u want to talk come to my house/0046722705046/aymen1225@hotmail.com
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Inactive member [2019-02-18] aymenMimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=60482 [2024-10-07]
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