Det amerikanska inbördeskriget (på engelska)

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uppladdat: 2019-02-27
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The war began in 1861, after rising tensions between the North and South concerning their different policies.

The North had abolished slavery, however, the landowners in the Southern states heavily relied on slave labor.

Ultimately, their ideological disparity would tear the nation apart in a horrible conflict, plaguing the country for decades to come.


Our journey begins in the early 19th century. Where the southern states of America demanded an economy which based itself on free trade, meaning, all discrimination against imports and exports should be eliminated. This in many ways profited the Southern states, for instance, the Southerner's economy relied heavily on the low-cost of import and export for their cotton, tobacco industry.

Meanwhile, the North insisted on preserving its protective duties and to further extend them.

To put it simply, the American industries in the North had no interest in the global market.

Additionally, neither sides were square on what to do with the slave issue in the US.

Where slavery was prohibited in all of the northern states, the South was depended on it and refused to abandon slavery as it siphoned money away from other economic endeavors. Thus, the Southerners believed that a prohibition of slave labor would sure to lead into an economic demise.

Still, the North neglected the south and claimed that slavery was the devil’s work as it violated the rules set by the Bible and the declaration of independence (1776).  

But it was the election of 1860 that proved to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Briefly after the inaugural of president Lincoln elven states left the union in protest and created the Confederate States of America.

(The Confederate States of America flag)

The reason was that President Lincoln and his party were republicans and therefore supported the ideá of an independent union that didn't have to rely on the ‘outside world’. Neither was the Republicans supportive of slavery and wanted to put an end to it.

President Lincoln's political agenda would basically favor the north, which meant, strict regulation of slavery and the installation of protective duties.

This of course made the South feel offended and powerless as they had, unexpectedly, been beaten by their own democratic system. In disgust, eleven states left the American union to create - The Confederate States of America.

The first state to ever leave the American union was South Carolina. And they did so on the 20th of December 1860.  

Following their secession, numerous other states left the union and joined the Confederacy. The Confederacy grew rapidly. And it did not take long before it had established a government, constitution, and president.

Jefferson Finis Davis, president of the Confederate States of America


Jefferson was a well-respected man who had many tough responsibilities during his life, one of which being the Secretary of defense, serving from 1853 to 1857, under president Franklin Pierce.

However, it’s said that Jefferson was a very poor president, as he had previously never undertaken such a demanding duty.


By the time war had broken out, the Confederacy already consisted of eleven states -

Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.  (As seen on this map)

(The purple-colored states are owned by the Confederacy and the blue colored ones owned by the Union, while the yellow colored ones are of no state, but a territory)


But the incoming Lincoln administration and the majority of Americans refused to recognize the legitimacy of the secession. For they feared that it would bring dictatorship and fragment the U.S into several smaller countries.

Also with the session, several federal forts (that had previously belonged to the union) became outposts in a foreign country, including Fort Summer in South Carolina.

Which raises the question - Do the forts belong to the Confederacy? or do they belong to the union?

The tension between the oppositions reaches a sky-high as both sides demanded a legitimate answer from the federal government.

There were a few alternative solutions presented to the President but Lincoln went with a “Middle-way” - Offering humanitarian relief and provisions but not arms. While still having symbolic hold of the fort. He was hoping that this would bring clarification and prevent any future attacks on the fort by the south - An act that would declare his neutrality.

But dolefully, his actions were considered as an aggressive act in the eyes of the Confederacy, sort of an ultimatum which gave the Confederacy a reason to launch an offense against the forts. As the Confederacy wanted full control of the Forts located in the south.


The first of these forts that were attacked was Fort Sumter in South Carolina.

The attack took place on the 12th of April 1861

- ( Fort Sumter )

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  • Inactive member 2019-02-27

    Lite om hur det amerikanska inbördeskriget startades.


Inactive member [2019-02-27]   Det amerikanska inbördeskriget (på engelska)
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