Today I am going to summarize and compare between generation Z and generation X (1960-1980).

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uppladdat: 2020-06-09
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Today I am going to summarize and compare between generation Z and generation X (1960-1980).


Generation Z want everything, everywhere and immediately. While generation X have more patience and are more able to try again when they fail.

Aged 13 to 20, generation Z get all the latest trends from social media and find the morals of their elders out-of-date. While generation X tends to be skeptical towards the old theories and ideas like generation Z, but they differ in the way they think of and value loyalty.

People from generation z find it easier to talk online than in person. More than eight out of 10 are hooked on social networks and more than half of them think that this is where their real social life takes place. 

While people born before 1979 prefer the physical contact between human beingS and do not waste their time on social networks.

They even consider all the relationships that start on social networks to be not serious at all.

In regard to learning, generation Z spend more than three hours a day in front of a screen and that is why they have short attention spans and tend to skim-read rather than read properly, which can lead to difficulty at school. generation Z learn how to use new stuff via self-help videos on YouTube.

While generation X think that Education through schools is a necessary means to succeed and they are eager

to learn. 


To earn a living generation Z create their own company and believe that success comes from their networks rather than from qualifications and they prefer a flat organization to a hierarchy at work.

While generation X work in order to live and respect very much hierarchy. Qualifications for them can play a major role in achieving your career goals and dreams.


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Hasan Ali [2020-06-09]   Today I am going to summarize and compare between generation Z and generation X (1960-1980).
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