The development of the Swedish education system.

486 visningar
uppladdat: 2020-06-09
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The development of the Swedish education system.


Dear Mrs,

I am sending this email to you to present my suggestions  (si just shin) about how we can improve the Swedish education system.


All students should have the possibility to get everything they need to make studies easier at school such as computers, schoolbooks, libraries and laboratories...etc.


On the other hand,  there is a lack of teachers in Sweden in general, the teachers who have a great deal of knowledge in addition to the education and experience must be there to help the students achieve the aim of teaching equally without any discrimination.


The government must give more priority to raise the teachers salaries to be number one in comparison with the other sectors.


More discipline of the students must be applied in the schools, and at the same time away from the compulsion which causes psychological problems to the students. 


The reason behind the disrespect of their teachers and that is the reason for giving up their work, is the impolite behavior of students these days. 


Rehabilitation of students is important to make them respect their teachers in school. Even the upgrading of teachers' status will make them more respectable. 

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Hasan Ali [2020-06-09]   The development of the Swedish education system.
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-10-23]

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