Advantages and Disadvantages of the Welfare state

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uppladdat: 2020-06-09
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Advantages and Disadvantages of the Welfare state

What is Welfare indeed? Welfare is a government program that offers financial aid to groups, otherwise, individuals who cannot support themselves in some way. Thus, living in welfare states means living in a state where your economical, social and welfare rights are secure. Through the lines of this essay, we are going to address some of the advantages and disadvantages of the welfare state before its flaws.


Opponents of the Welfare state say that Welfare does not solve the problem of poverty. However, most welfare programs are designed to get people back on their feet; thus, welfare programs are to provide individuals with enough resources to maintain the basics of life. Moreover, Welfare supports individuals who have a disability and may be unable to work for some reason. Studies have shown that in welfare states poverty decreases, so that taxes and transfers considerably reduce poverty in most countries whose welfare states commonly constitute at least a fifth of GDP.

Opponents also maintain that the Welfare programs can create patterns of dependence for some families. However, welfare programs are not designed to be a long-term income solution. Indeed, Welfare programs just help people during their greatest time of need and they get enough to meet your basic needs and nothing more. So that Welfare only goes to the people who qualify for the program; thus, most states will require that they who apply for welfare benefits need to prove their financial circumstances. Indeed, most programs even require an applicant to actively search for employment in order to receive their monthly benefit; actually, this structure makes it easier to find instances of fraud.


The final argument advanced by opponents of Welfare is that Welfare teaches children to rely on government support instead of their ingenuity. However, Welfare supports children's education who cannot have it. irrespective of gender, geographical homestead as well as economic and social circumstances, shall have equal access to good education in the public school system for children and youth. Thus, Welfare programs support children and youth more than any other age group.


Welfare has very few disadvantages and advantages. Such as, many welfare programs don't address the root cause of poverty. Which can cause other problems. The cost of welfare programs are massive. People who take welfare benefits face numerous negative societal reactions.


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