The Apaches

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uppladdat: 2020-06-09
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The Apaches

The Apaches lived in Tippis or in small cabins of sticks and Busch called (Wikiups). Apache is a group of culture-related Indian tribes in the southwestern United States. Apaches today are mostly found in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Mexico, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas.


The language is Jicarilla, Plains Apache, Lipan Apache, Mescalero-Chiricahua, Western Apache, English, and Spanish.

The last of his religion is Indian church, Christianity, traditional regular service, related ethnic groups, Navajo, Dene, and Tarahumara.

Apache's clothes are Apache women's buckskin dresses and the men wear leather shirts and breechcloths. In the 1800s, many Apache men began wearing white cotton rods and pants, which they adopted from the Mexicans.

The Apaches are a nice people fighting for friendship described by Francisco Vázquez de Coronado when he first met Apaches in 1540. After Apache has lost his horses under Apache's raids.


When the Apaches lived on the Canadian River, they were constantly at war with Commanders in 1873 campaigns and Apache Indians in Arizona and New Mexico. Comanches defeated Apaches after 9 days war since the Comanches moved more south.

Apache is called "human-type tigers" because apache warriors can run more than 50 miles without a stop.


The Apaches looked different from all the stories about them, they faced a constant struggle to survive. And when they hit a village, it was just because they really needed it.

Apaches lived in extended family groups and each family group worked independently under a respected family leader who did not respond to any higher human authority.

When it was the time of war, the neighboring groups were bound to fight a common enemy. Unlike regular raiding when the main item was finding food and possessions, war meant lethal activity; a vengeance for the death of band members in previous wars.

The leaders of the local family groups would queue in the council to choose a war chief who would lead the campaign. But if any group member wanted to follow his own boss, he was free to do so.


The Apache family had a strong bond, but the strongest bond was between the mother, her children, and grandchildren. They all shared a rich oral story about myths and legends that touched many aspects of their lives.

Today almost all Indians live in reservations throughout America. The government supports the Indian reservations and they want them to have a normal life.

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