Corona virus

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2505 visningar
uppladdat: 2020-06-11
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How corona came to life                                                    

It is a cold December night, 2019 and the Chinese authorities came with horrific news. They had notified the world that a unknown virus was spread throughout their communities and territories. Some months later the virus had spread to other countries, with cases doubling with in days. This is the corona virus  or what its actual name, COVID-19. What actually happens when it infects a human and what should we all do? 


What corona is

A virus is arguably not even a living thing. It can only make more of itself by entering a living cell. Corona deos spread via surfaces, but we still don't know how long it can survive on them. Its best way of spreading seems to be droplet infection. Which mean, when people cough, or if you touch someone who's ill and then your face, say rubbing your eyes or nose the virus will start here and then starts a ride deeper into the body. Its destinations are the intestines or in other words, the lungs, where it can have the most dramatic effect. You can have just a few corona viruses but that can cause quite a dramatic situation. Your lungs are lined with billions of epithelial cells. The epithelial cells are the border cells of your body, they are lining in your organs and are basically waiting to be infected. The cell does not know what's happening and executes the new instructions. The instructions are very simple : copy and reassemble. It fills up with more and more copies of the original virus until it reaches a critical point and receives one final order, self destruct.The number of infected cells grows exponentially. After about 10 days, millions of body cells are infected and billions of viruses in the lungs. Even though it seems that the virus has caused a lot of damage but yet this is just the start.  The immune system, while is there to protect you, can actually be pretty dangerous to yourself. And as immune cells pour into the lungs to fight the virus. Corona infects some of them and creates confusion. Cells have neither ears or eyes. So the cells communicate mostly  via tiny details. Nearly every important immune reaction is controlled by them. Corona causes infected immune cells to overreact and in some sort of way yell bloody murder. And that causes the cell to send more “soldiers” then it actually should and wasting its resources and causing damage. there are several important types of cells and one of them is T-cells. T-cells which usually order infected cells to commit controlled suicide. But sometimes they can get confused and start ordering healthy cells to kill themselves too. The more and more immune cells arrive, the more damage they do, and the more healthy lung tissue they kill. This might get so bad that it can cause permanent irreversible damage, which leads to lifelong disabilities. In most cases, the immune system slowly regains control. It kills the infected cells, intercepts the virus trying to infect new ones and cleans up the battlefield. Recovery begins. The majority of people infected by Corona will get through it with relatively mild symptoms. But many cases become severe or even critical. We don’t know the percentage because not all cases have been identified, but it’s safe to say that there is a lot more than with the flu.                                                             

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