under age marrige in india

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1676 visningar
uppladdat: 2020-11-30
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India is often called the largest democracy in the world, and it is a country where different cultures, customs, languages ​​and religions meet. The country is one of the largest in the world with an area of ​​approximately 3,288,000 square kilometers. About 300 different types of languages ​​are spoken, the largest being Hindi and spoken by 30% of the population.

And among the most important traditions in India is early marriage or what is called child marriage as a marriage in which one or both parties are under the age of 18, or have not reached the age of majority specified in the country, and early marriage is one of the types of forced marriage, as the One or both parties do not have complete freedom of consent. What are the causes and consequences of child marriage?

In the opinion of UNICEF, about a million and a half of his underage children are being married off in India, which made it the largest country in the marriage of children under the age of 18. According to the statistics, there are 16 percent of girls who are married, ranging in age from 14 to 19. In 2005 the prevalence of child marriage decreased from 47% to 27%.

Through the organizations urging that the girl is not a commodity for marriage, it has been revealed that inequality is one of the most important causes of early marriage in India. And a………….lso to reduce the value of girls and limit their roles only in the performance of housework. And the decline in the social situation, poverty, the deterioration of the …………….level of education, customs and traditions, and the protection of the girl from harassment and kidnapping, all of these reasons led to an increase in marriage o…f minor children.

In the article “Child Marriage: A Silent Health and Human Rights Issue” written by Nawal M Nour, indicating that the majority of underage girls suffer from isolation and depression, the reason for this is that the role of the girl turns within one day to the role of the wife and the housemaid, and in the end the role of the mother. This leads to psychological problems, physical stress and early pregnancy, so the problems in the life of the spouses are exacerbated.

 At the end of the research, and through studies, we can make sure that India ranks first in the world in consecrated marriage due to ...

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Diana Hanna [2020-11-30]   under age marrige in india
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=60781 [2024-04-26]

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