Bokrecension: Child Called It av Dave Pelzer

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uppladdat: 2006-05-24
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Year of publishing: 1995

The story of the book is a true story about a boy called Dave Pelzer. The writer is using his own name for the boy in the book.
Dave lives in a city in the US in the 70:s. He lives in a happy family with a nice mum, a nice dad who is a fireman and 2 other children. But one day everything radically changes. His mother no longer wants Dave to be a part of the family. He is not allowed to sleep inside the house so he has to sleep in the garage. He want get any food so he have to steal food in school or eat the garbage from the family. Mother is also beating him very hard and he is like a slave for her, he have to work really hard.
His dad sometimes gives him some food when mother doesn’t seeing it.
The whole thing grows worse in the book and in the end Dave is almost dead.

Character: Mother
Dave’s mother is in the beginning a very nice person who always is very happy and calm. But one day she just gets mad. She starts to torture her little son Dave. One of the sickest thing she does is when she locks in Dave into the toilet with a bucket of ammonium and Clorox. When you mix these two things it will be a chemical reaction and a gas will be created that is really painful to breath.

A Place: The neighbour hood
The neighbour hood there Dave and his family lives is a calm place with a lot of houses. There is a lot o children living around in the area but Dave never is allowed to play with them.

Opinion: The book was good but it was very scary ...

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Inactive member [2006-05-24]   Bokrecension: Child Called It av Dave Pelzer
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