Traci Lords Liv på Engelska

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uppladdat: 2006-08-05
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Traci Lords

Nora Louise Kuzma changed her name to Traci Lords (or now Tracy Lords), after her favorite actor - television''''s Jack Lord - and became one of the most popular porn stars of the 80''''s. Only problem was all of her work, with the exception of Traci I Love You, were shot when Lords was still a minor. "My films are real popular with dirty old men," she notes and that popularity has not diminished.
One only needs to check her out on ebay and watch how her now illegal adult film posters/advertising promos get bought up for mucho dinero. Director Jim Jarmusch had acknowledged her films as a guilty pleasure revealing that the lead singer of a British classic rock group has an enormous collection of her illegal works. The FBI cracking of the case sent the adult entertainment world into considerable chaos leading to various sentences (I remember when the story broke, the agent holding up a copy of her film Love Bites - and the variety of entertainment news programs jumping all over the story - the irony was that the programs loved to show clips of Lords from her movies moaning in censored flashes).

She was thee superstar of the adult industry even sporting her own line of videos - produced by the Traci Lords Company. She was shapely as all hell, seemed to have a ball in the films, and had a strange high pitched squeal during sex. Of the hundred plus adult films she shot only one that is legal - Traci, I Love You - which she began shooting on her eighteenth birthday.

Traci Lords was able to put her "adult" career behind her with such films as Roger Corman''''s remake of Not of This Earth, an amusing roll in John Water''''s Cry Baby, the Stephen King series The Tommyknockers, a short but sweet cameo in Blade, along with a ton of television series and a few albums (her albums are apparently quite successful in parts of Asia) - Traci Lords has been one of the few successful crossovers.

Traci Lords has general talent in her commercial roles and seems very capable of performing comedy. How Depp''''s character doesn''''t go for her hilarious, pouty cutey in Cry Baby is anyone''''s guess. She has also appeared in a variety of crappy cable movies while awaiting her big break. I predict Lords will have a break out role in the near future - she has the fan base and talent commensurable with other le...

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Inactive member [2006-08-05]   Traci Lords Liv på Engelska
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