Dave Pelzer

2 röster
7038 visningar
uppladdat: 2006-12-07
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Dave is born in the begining of 1970.

Have written four books.
A child called it,
The lost boy,
A man named Dave and
The privilege of youth.

He have write those books to explain the true terror of a child and open the other peoples
harts so they could keep their eyes open so it dosen´t happen again
to another child.
Those books is so horrible.
He wrote about his mother and what she had done to him.

His Name is David Pelzer, but later he change name to Dave.
His family is his mother,father and his three brothers.
His father was a fireman and his mother was just a housewife.
Everything was fine in the family till the day that his mother start drinking
all day long. Then she starts to have Dave as a prisoner in the house.
He dident gett food,he was allways doing thins in the house all the time.
She starts with that when he was only a child, four years old.
Dave likes his father a lot to the day he moved away from Dave.
His father was a hero for him. So kind,so brave and so helpfull,
But everything change. He starts to work more and more.
When he was twelve years old a teatcher to Dave help him to a foster family.
But that dosent stop his mother to se him.
She visit him and talk shit about the boy.
The only thing Dave whant is some love from a family.

This is a text from The lost boy that he have written.

"Winter 1970, Daly city Carlifornia-
I´m alone. I´m hungry and I´m shivering in the dark.
I sit on the top of my hands at the bottom of the stairs in the garage.
My head is tilted backwards. My hands became numb hours ago.
My neck and shoulder muscles begin to theob. But thats nothing new.
I´ve learned to turn off the pain.
I´m mothers prisoner.
Iam nine years old , and I have been living like this for years.
Every day It´s the same thing I wake up from sleeping on an old army cot
in the garage, performe the morning chores, and if I´m lucky, eat leftover breakfast cereal
from my brothers. I run to school, steal food, return to "The house"
and am forced to throw up in the toilet bowl to prove that I didn´t
commit the crime of stealing any food"

But as all storys ending this story also is ending good.

"Your mother never gonna hurt you any more.
I see the sun
shining in my eyes, I turn around from the sunshine and
a alone tear going down my cheek.
I´m free?"

Today he had a wife and a son that he deep love.

My opinion of the books and the writer,

I think the books is horrible.
To know that a little boy have been throuh.
Why do his mother do this to him?
What did she win of it?
Why can a person do this for her own child?
We never know.
I ´m sorry for this child.
I´m a child of a alkoholic to but my parents never do this to me.

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Inactive member [2006-12-07]   Dave Pelzer
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=7289 [2025-01-15]

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