
3786 visningar
uppladdat: 2006-12-11
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1:The Great White Shark or affectionally known as the "Great White" belongs to a group of sharks named Mackerel Sharks. Its common name was derived from the shark''''s white underbelly. They are solitary animals, but have also been reported to swim in pairs or groups. They are found on all coasts of Australia, and furthermore throughout the World.
They range between 3.5 to 5 metres long, and weigh on average 1,300kg. The females are large than males. The Great White is grey in colour from the top, and white underneath. They have on average 2,800 teeth in their mouth, all in rows and triangle in shape. They are slanted on an angle inwards, which helps keep hold of their prey.

2:The Red Back Spider is Australia''''s most well known deadly spider. They are found all over Australia, and are common in urban areas. These spiders are usually found under logs, rocks, bricks, sheds and outdoor toilets. But only the female red back spider bite is dangerous to humans.

3:The Koala is one of Australia''''s best known animals. There are two species, the Southern Koalas and the Northern Koalas.
Koalas are often referred to as a Koala bear. However they are not a bear. The name Koala comes from an Aboriginal word. It means "no drink", as Koalas get enough fluids through the eucalyptis leaves they feed on. Koalas are found all over east Australia, mainly in the south east.
The male Koalas are larger than the females. Southern koalas are larger than Northern koalas. They have a grey soft furred coat, with a white chest. A flat nose and big ears, and clawed feet for climbing.
They are very placid animals, and do not move around much, they are only active for about 2 hours of the day.
The old Australian joke of "Koalas: Eats Roots & Leaves" is not quite correct. Koalas feed on eucalyptis leaves, which they have a variety of twelve different species to choose from. This is basically the only thing they do eat, although there are a few exceptions.
Did you know? Koalas make an extremely loud and aggressive growling noise.

4: The red kangaroos are the giant of the Australian kangaroos. It is widespread over the mainland. It lives on grasses, and often lives in quite big mobs. It can leap up to five metres long in a jump and so is quite fast over short distances to escape danger.When adult males are breeding they will often fight each other, face to face, boxing with their front paws and then giving gigantic double kicks with their back legs.
Because of the climate extremes in Australia, the kangaroos have adapted to the break or bust cycles. In droughts many kangaroos will die because there is no feed at all. But in a good season the female can have three young one with her: one as an embryo just starting off and not yet born, one in the pouch who draws a special milk supply from the mother, and another just out who gets milk from a different nipple. So suddenly there can be a population explosion. Farmers vary in their attitudes from the ferocious “Kill them” to “let’s learn to live them” They irritate farmers by eating sparse grass and by jumping through fences hurtful them. (70km/h)

5: This large flightless bird is confined to the jungle areas of North Queensland. They are not as tall as an Emu but carry more bulk. Cassowaries carry a reputation for being bad tempered and dangerous. The nests are very well hidden among leaves usually at the base of trees in dense scrub or jungle. The eggs are green and usually there are between three and six eggs in a clutch. The male like the emu helps with the chicks. (30km/h)

6: The Emu is a large flightless bird. They stand to be 1.5 to 2 metres tall, and on average weight 36 kilograms. They have 3 toes, and long legs which allows them to run extremely fast. In this species, the female is larger than the male.Emu''''s feed on grass, leaves and small insects. They live all over Australia in grasslands.The female lays up to 20 eggs, which are large and are soft dark green in colour. These eggs are often prized not only by humans for decoration pieces, but by animals as a food source. The male incubates the eggs for ...

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Inactive member [2006-12-11]   Animal
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-02-16]

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