Greenpeace (In English)
3198 visningar
uppladdat: 2006-12-22
uppladdat: 2006-12-22
Inactive member
Nedanstående innehåll är skapat av Mimers Brunns besökare.
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10% of all the timber at sale today is illegal according to Greenpeace’s website and most of the illegal timber is collected from different rainforests around the world. This affects our environment since the rainforests influence the global weather by controlling rainfall (if the rainforests wouldn’t exist we would have far greater storms than we have today), they contain some of the poisons produced by our cars and factory’s. The wildlife is also affected since when the animals and plants who once lived in the forest now has no where to live and they die which results in many species getting close to extinction. Many people live in these forests and survive by the resources the forest has to offer in harmony with the other animals of the forest. When the forest, their homes, gets destroyed they have no place to live and have to move to the city. Because of this many ancient culture’s and traditions gets lost forever.
Because of bad and complicated laws corporations can import illegal timber through EU without any consequences. The people who export this timber is able to cut down the trees and get it out of the country by paying enormous amounts of money as bribes to police, military and governments. They also use fake documents to make the timber “look” legal by lying about amount, value and the sort of wood they are exporting.
Greenpeace are working to prevent this by informing both individuals and big corporation about how they can help to save our forests by for example only buy wood that are guaranteed to be legally cut and exported. While cutting down and collecting the timber the corporations not only sell the timber but they also sell fruit, seeds, nuts and other things they may find at the locations. By not buying fruit and other products that are collected from trees in rainforests we can help to save the environment.
My reflections:
I really think saving our forests is of great importance since it is our world and we are the ones responsible for it. It is obvious that we are slowly destroying our world and that we have to do something about it before it’s too late. The real “badguys” behind the illegal export of timber are the ruthless corporations who would do anything to make some money. The people who ...
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Inactive member [2006-12-22] Greenpeace (In English)Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-15]
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