Why is the Humanistic Perspective to prefer?

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uppladdat: 2007-04-22
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The humanistic perspective is focused on the human as an individual and deals with its behaviour in a good way. It is not that focused on psychological disorders, but normal people’s behaviour. That is a big difference from the other perspectives and I think that it’s the usual acting you should focus on. The disorders are not the things that show what the mankind is like. Also a basic assumption is that the man has got a free will and can decide his or her own things, not forced by the brain.

This perspective says that the man is not only a physical creature, it has got a soul too. That is also important to have in mind, because I don’t think the brain decides everything you’re up to. You also have feelings that have something to say as well. At the same time they say that the human is initial good, but gets affected by the society in a bad way. That could also be true. Why would we be born evil? The society is based on human behaviour, so this must mean that we all have something that’s not good inside of us? I don’t think so. I think all people have different opinions of what is good and not good. The society is built up upon all these kinds of opinions. There are people that have gone mad during their lives because of experiences they have had. I think that this perspective deals much better with experiences of that type. With the psychoanalysis they can found what has gone wrong in their lives and why they have changed and maybe they can fix it. Talking about things is always a good way of feeling better. There are some things that medicine can not affect really.

I also like the theory “Hierarchy of Needs”. There are basic needs, needed for survival. It’s a fact that you can’t live without things such as water, oxygen, food, sleep and so on. After that, you need to feel secure and know that you really can get the things you need like water for instance. Everyone wants to be loved. Can you think of anything better? Probably not. Love gives life a meaning. When you have found that, you want independence and such things, mentioned in the esteem needs. When you have all this, I think that every human must enjoy life and be really happy that they are alive. Congratulations, you have reached the self actualization!

The fact that the childhood is important in this perspecitive, appeals to me. This is also connected to the psychoanalysis. You get afraid of certain things during your life, but sometimes you don’t know why. Some people, like me, have phobia about lifts and small rooms in general. This have often emerged in the childhood. When you’re getting older you realize this and remember that specific sitauation, for example when you got locked into a small room and couldn’t get out. Not all our fears have arose that way. We are born with some basic fears, but this perspective deals with that too in the “Hierarchy of Needs” where they are needed for survival.

I think this perspective deals with the most important things and have a good therapy. Even though it’s not scientifical really, it answers a lot of questions concerning why we act in a specific way. My opinion is that not all things can be scientifical studied and explained. The human has got a free will, which it shows when it for example makes a decision with its heart and not its brain. The brain doesn’t decide everything, your feelings sometimes guide you instead. Not all people are the same and the study of them should therefore be individual, due to my opinion. The socity affects everyone, whether they like it or not.

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Inactive member [2007-04-22]   Why is the Humanistic Perspective to prefer?
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=7994 [2024-05-04]

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