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uppladdat: 2001-10-18
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The kangaroo is related to the creatures marsupials and the family Macropodidae which means ”Big feet’s” and Potoroidae.
There are 16 different relations and together about 60 different sorts of kangaroos.
They live in Australia and New Guinea. You can find them almost anywhere from stepland to the tropical forest, but they prefer the forest. There is about 100 million kangaroos and wallabies in Australia, but the numbers of them get even lesser as they are hunted by the human.

They were discovered by the Europeans first when the traveler James Cook reached Australia in 1788 they were really fascinated by the animal and wondered what it was called and tried to ask the people who lived on the Island. They answered Kangaroo which they later found out meant “ I don’t understand the question”. Since than it has been known as kangaroo.
Under the visit they caught tree different sorts of kangaroos and studied them carefully and got them names. The first one as they caught was the giant gray kangaroo ( Macropus Giganteus). But the biggest of them all is the giant red-brown kangaroo and it’s also the most known kangaroo. The male has a red brown fur and it’s from him it got it’s name, cause the female got a blue-gray fur even called “blue-fliers”.

The growing up males is called “Bucks” and the growing up females called “Does”. Young females called “Flyers” and the children “Joeys”.
They are actually really good swimmers in spite of the fact that they were made to be jumpers. They swim almost like a dog but the big back legs makes it even easier for them to get forwards.

As there is no big different between the summer and winter in Australia they doesn’t got special periods were the children gets born. You can see females whit there children’s any period at the year. It’s only the Damawallaby which has a limited period to get children. The birth of them are in January.

The(uppvaktning eller parning) can be from only a couple of hours to 3 days.

The child grows only 5 weeks in the womb. When it gets born it’s only 2,5 cm long, naked, blind and impossible to see that it’s a kangaroo. It crawls away from the opening at the birthchannel to a (spene) in the (pungen) were it stucks and keep on growing. In that way the (pungen) acts like an outside womb were the child gets on growing.
From the beginning all children look the same but after the period in the (pungen) the males starts to grow to become almost twice as big as the females.

After a while the child gets bigger jaws and can leave the (spenen) and also leave the (pungen) for short discoveries. It takes 6-11 month before they leave the (pungen) and there still as near there mother as they can to feel safe from dangers as dingo’s and the big hawk. The only danger for growing up kangaroos is the human with his gun.
It can happen that the female gets twins but it’s only one who gets raised by the mother. The father doesn’t have any instincts to raise the children. He’s job is to watch the flock and to get birth to other children.
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Inactive member [2001-10-18]   Kangaroo
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=829 [2025-01-15]

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