Stone Cold
20145 visningar
uppladdat: 2001-10-19
uppladdat: 2001-10-19
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All that happened to the boy called Link which is the head character in the book and movie stone cold.
For some reason he’s been thrown out by his stepfather Vince. Really why he throws him out you don’t know, probably it’s just because he doesn’t like him.
Anyway, at Christmas Eve Link gets a sleepingbag from his family and maybe it’s the sign that Vince doesn’t want him there. He more or less been thrown out.
Link decides to go to London and get a new life. At first it seems that it’ll fix for him but after a while as he doesn’t have a work he’s out of money and been thrown out from his apartment by the owner of the house. With no money he’ll has to sleep at the street. One night he met Ginger that is a drifter. He learn Link everything he needs to know as a drifter, they get along very well. They collect money togheter, share everything equally till one day when they get in to a fight and Ginger goes with his friends. After that Ginger is gone, Link searches everywhere for him but no respond. Link finds out how much he relied on Ginger and how lonely he is without him.
One day he meets this girl (Tornado) she says that she left home because her stepfather “likes to drink”. Link teaches her everything she needs to know like Ginger ones did. One day when they’re out collecting money a man starts to talk to Tornado and says that he can offer her a job at a hostel. Link feels that Tornado is gone and start to search after her and capture her when she talks with the man which disappears as quick as possible before Link reaches her. Link tells her to keep away from him.
Next day they meet Ginger’s friend who tells them she got a job at a hostel from a man, Link thinks it sounds odd. After that nobody sees her and the police starts to search after her. The same day Link and Tornado get into a fuss and they go separate ways then at the way Link sees the man an starts to follow him to a house. He gets closer to the house and look in to the window, he got captured by the man that drags him in to the house and ties him up in a chair after he has shown him Ginger’s dead body.
Tornado saw everything and called for the police which come to the place right in time. Link finds out that Tornado is a reporter who wanted to find out about the homeless and acted like one to write about their lives. Link felt fooled so he didn’t want...
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Inactive member [2001-10-19] Stone ColdMimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-09-09]
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