The Indians

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uppladdat: 2000-07-05
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The Indians

The Indians, a people divided in several different tribes. The tribes were outspread all over the North America. Their religion was almost the same in each tribe. The religion was built on that every each living and dead thing got their spirit and value that is respected and honoured.
The Indians haven’t got a God that stands over everything else, instead they all got spirits that can be founded among the people. The persons that stood nearest to the spirits were the tribes’ medicine man or the Shaman.

How did the war with the Indians and the USA’s government start?
Well, when the USA’s government finally fought their free from England, there was an purposeful expansion started. They started to transfer the Indians to the west. Later when the new settlers even reached the new Indian lands, the government tried once again to transfer the Indians. But this time well-equipped Indian warriors willing to fight for their freedom meted them. The Indians fought desperate and caused the USA army many loses but at last the Indians were defeated. The Indians who weren’t killed was sent to reservations.

In 1880s began a new politic about the Indians, which was based on to integrate them into the Americas society throe education and giving them a piece of land attempting to change them into farmers. But the purpose didn’t go like the USA government wanted. And since the 1920s the government’s adjustment has change to a bigger sympathy to the minorities of the Indians. 1924 all Indians in North America got American citizenship.

You may wonder what all this has to do with freedom of religion to do? Well when the USA government conquered they tried of course to convert the Indians into Christianity. They simply forced the Indians to visit ...

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Inactive member [2000-07-05]   The Indians
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